

Fish Fanatic
Mar 2, 2005
Reaction score
Sierra Vista, AZ
I got three Bettas, one in a Tank and two, each in a Betta-Bowl! Today, when I did my weekly thorough cleaning of the Bowls (both blow bubblenests like crazy wich makes the top of the water super nasty) I swa that one of my Bettas looks pale! What's wrong? He gets the same Hikary Betta Food like the others, he seems very exited about his clean bowl right now, he eats and everything!

The water is my prepped water for the fish, the same I use for the Tank or the other bowl!
Usually when a fish goes pale it's a sign of stress, has he got his colour back now.
No, he is in fresh water, clean bowl and everything! Today he looked even a little paler, specially around his jaw. For some reason I think right behind the jawline he looks a bit bigger, like the throat? Even the top of his nose seems paler, other than that he's still eating!
Is he swimming around like normal?

How thorough of a cleaning did you do in his bowl?
When you change their water or just clean out their bowl or w.e they can easily get stressed becuase they're not fully used to their "new" conditions
Well, the thing is- both of the Betta's wich I keep in each a bowl, blow bubbles like crazy, they build huge bubblenests, when they fall apart the water looks awefull, so during the week I only give part of waterchanges, but once a week, I take each out while I wash the gravelwith prepped fishwater thoroughly, and I also clean their bowls really good and rinse them very well in prepped fishwater! I've done so with both of them several times since I have them and I never saw anything!

Before I cleaned the bowl I thouhgt it was just the water making him look that way, but when I put him back in his fishy home I got a closer look and he already was pale, today it seemed a little more even! :eek:
It sounds like the paleness is from stress, unless you're seeing other symptoms you've forgotten to mention. Have you changed anything huge for him lately? Or even put something bright-colored next to his bowl that wasn't there before? Sometimes Bettas get scared and intimidated by the strangest things, things we wouldn't even think they'd notice, never mind that they'd be bothered by. So, if you have moved him recently, or if you've set something down next to him, removing it might help.

Also, if the paleness is occurring only after water changes, and he's coloring up after, then he's just scared and stressed. Meaning that you have two options: continue to do your water changes the same way, since he'll come out of his paleness and it's not doing him a whole lot of harm. OR find a new, less stressful way to do his water changes, so that he doesn't get as stressed out.

It is, however, a very excellent sign that he's willing to eat still.
No, I have them in little bowls, so no heater in there. But I had them both for a oog 1,5 or 2 month, never had that problem. My Bettas appetite decreased he hardly wants something :( , he still swims around good, not to much not to little, looks around and plays his tricks with me, he just keeps getting paler- no other signs of soors or anything! I'm worried about him!

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