

Fish Crazy
Jun 17, 2003
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I have a 10 gallon tank with 3 guppies, 2 black mollies and a pleco..I do weekly test on the water...I checked it today and the Nirates are WAY up!! the Nirites are normal. My water hardness is soft to hard, my ph is alkaline, but not way high..What should I do about the high Nirate? I done a water change today...Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! Also my male molly has a white film over one eye, and at times he hides, but comes out to eat..What would be good to use to treat this?? I also have a 1/2 tsp of aquaruim salt in the tank, will that hurt the pleco? :/
:lol: Sorry I know I spelled Nitrates and Nitrites wrong LOL I need to go back to school i guess :p
Nitrates are removed by doing regular WCs. The white film i am not sure. I'll look into it for you. Hopefully somebody who knows what it is will come along soon.
Do I do the water changes weekly or do I need to do them more per week? Thanks for the response
Hi PJGuppies

When doing water changes , do you test the water before you put it into the tank. i.e. what are the nitrate levels of your tap water.

Is the film over all the eye or just the lense, or just the iris?
I tested the Tap water before I added it and I always add a clorine(sp) before I add the water to the tank..The nitrates in the tap water are at about 20 or below..

The film over the eye from what I can tell it starting to cover the whole eye, I cant tell if its just the lense.
Hi PJ,

Partial water changes should be done weekly (imo) say 20-30% - whats your maintenance schedule like at the moment?

When you say your nitrAtes are 'way up' - just how high is this? Mine comes out the tap at 50-60 :/ Have you tested the tap water?

As far as the white film goes if this is cloudy then it could be the early signs of cloudy/pop eye - this infection is often linked to lack of tank maintenance/water changes/conditions..... - there are many treatments that should help but ideally find out what caused it first...


My Nitrates out of my tank are like 160-200!!! :-( When I test them from straight tap water it 20-30!!!

My schedule for water changes are 20-30% once a week or twice a week and a 50% and gravel clean once per month
Hi PJGuppies

If you do a sieries of water changes over then next week, you should get the level down.

Once the level is down, the molly my get better on it's own.

UPDATE!! Its been 2 days since I started the daily water changes, and today I done a gravel cleaning..(almost had a accident one of my female guppies decided that she wanted to go up the sipon!!!! but luckly she didnt go all the way :eek: I thought it was funny) I went to my pet shop and they had some meds called Nitromax, anyone heard of this? Anyway, my Nitrates are starting to drop thats the good thing, I will continue to do water changes everyday until its down...Thanks for everyones post...

Update on Male Molly that had the eye problem, hes doing ALOT better, I dont see any sign of the film on his eye!! :D
Check your filters and other equipment to make sure all parts are working correctly. Its sounds like somethingis definitely amiss here. You could have a stuck impeller or excessive amounts of debris in your mechanical filter medium. Water changes are a good way to quickly remedy the situation but you really need to find the source of your problem or it will continue.
Hey there PJ,

Cloudiness of the eye is most commonly caused by pathogenic bacteria. It can also be caused by fungus, the fish being exposed to chlorine in the water, or a vitamin deficiency, usually vitamin A. As everyone else said, cloudy eye is usually caused by poor conditions in the aquarium. I would suggest that you continue to perform frequent water changes over the next little while, as improving the aquarium conditions will usually remedy the eye problem. Try this before resorting to chemicals. You may also want to add a multi-vitamin to your water, this will help speed along the healing process. I hope your fish gets better soon!

I have been doing water changes everyday and the Nitrates are back to the safe zone!!! :D I did check on my filter and everything is working fine...

My Mollies eye is a ALOT better!!! I see no sign of the eye cloudyness(sp) ...Thanks for everyone response I really appreciate it
Yep good news m8,

....the only niggle is that if everything was ok and you'd been doing regular WCs why were your nitrAtes so high? you know nitrates build up in a tank and are only removed by wc and used by plants a little - have you any live plants? - If your nitrates are still rising alarmingly and not being kept in check by normal WCs then I'd look at the ammount you're feeding - could be an overfeeding problem :/


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