

New Member
Sep 16, 2004
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missouri st peters
what kind of fish should i get for my tank i like chiclids but have not had much luck with them as i lost all my fish :( so any advice would help :) :D oh and its a 40 gal tank i would like to have a mix of fish top- middle- bottom so it does not look empty and should i keep the under ground filter in or take it out before i add new fish it has nicely cycled the other fish were in it for about 3 months so now all i need is fish :wub: ;)
Mstrildy22 said:
what kind of fish should i get for my tank i like chiclids but have not had much luck with them as i lost all my fish :( so any advice would help :) :D
It would help to know what size tank you own, what is your water parameter and what type of fishes you like beside cichlids. (What cichlids have you tried so far?)
oh and by the way i would like for this to be a commity tank i would have more choices in fish and a bigger varity too in the tank :nod: :thumbs:
That's a 20g tall tank, I believe.

Given the size of the tank, species such as Maylandia Lombardoi (Kenyii), Convicts, Maylandia Estherae (I'm guessing this is your orange cichlid) and texas cichlid would not do well... I hope you didn't put all of them in the same tank, as not only they are too aggressive and large, they don't even have the same water requirement...

If you want a small cichlid that is colorful, you could try a pair of Blue Rams along with some dither fishes such as tetras or dainos. You could try a paid of kribs as well, but I'm not sure if that will go well in a 20g tall tank.

Otherwise, you could try a peaceful community setup that typically consists of cories (or khulis) at the bottom, couple of live bearers and a group of tetras or dainos. This type of setup will be relatively easy to maintain as well.

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