I don't mean to contradict the Dragon, but I must. The size you are referring to will work out to about 70 gallons, or about 650 to 700 pounds when you are done. This is not real excessive as long as you have a stand with a base that applies even pressure all along the perimeter where it meets the floor. A stand with just four legs on it would have heavy pressure points.
One of my tanks is very close to what you are looking for. It is a 65 gallon All Glass brand. It is 91 x 61 x 40cm. I even had this in a mobile home with no damage, it is on a good stand.
Also, a good stand for a larger tank is a good investment. It gives you a place to put all your equipment and drygoods.
And remember, before you start, now is your opportunity to get the largest tank you can, you won't regret it.
And to help you with livestock decisions, this size tank would allow you to keep about 60 to 70 inches of ADULT fish, remember, they grow
And try not to stock more than about half at once, less if you can be patient.