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Fish Crazy
Aug 23, 2004
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i just went and checked on my betta and his scales around his face have turned white and hes hiding by the filter...i dont know what to do anymore guys can i help my fish...... :(

ok more info..water tested on 30.08.04

i dont know what to do guys..i saved him from finrot and cured his pop eye..other then the coulering he is acting so sick my self at the moment ..i have a chest infeshion and i fell like death warmed u think its ich? i got stuf to fix ich but i know it will give him pop eye agen ..grrrrrrr

please help
does the white scales look like little grains of salt? if it dosent then it isnt ich... id say maybe stress try staying around the tank thats all mine needed was being near me (silly lil thing) or if u dont think its stress try melafix
are they just white scales, or do they have a different texture? if its fluffy maybe it could be fungus? maybe a water change would help to relieve stress, especially as you have an ammonia reading. try asking in the betta forum for some specialised help.
fourplayfishy said:
does the white scales look like little grains of salt? if it dosent then it isnt ich... id say maybe stress try staying around the tank thats all mine needed was being near me (silly lil thing) or if u dont think its stress try melafix
I heard that melafix is bad for bettas use bettafix.
Sory I can't help more, I hope it gets better soon.
so its taken me so long to write and all.i could not get out of bed this moring cause my body did not want ot hold me up..silly body...looking at my boy for the last half hour and his scales are just lighter in couler..not fluffy or grany..hes not rubbing him self on stuf...everything is normal sept for the couler..maybe it is stress...iv been sitting with him and did a water change and he ate some blood worms from my fingers..baybe he just wants some one to fuss over him..anyway i will keep u all updated..i dont want to treat my tank if i can help it....maybe hes missing his little neon friends (finrot got them) who knows
you guys are so wonderfull..just having someone to talk to when things go wrong and like wow with out everyone i would be so lost.... i love fish so much iv had gold fish since i was 3 (mum got them for me :))...and iv allways had goldfish so when my bf wanted to get me tropical fish i jumped at the idea and i found just wat fish i wanted ..but still they get sick and die and stuf and if i did not talk to u people i think my betta would probaly be dead by now .....its only because of this form i lernt how to treat my finrot and save him..poor little tetras did not make it..

what im trying to say is thank you..... i just hope i can return the fav one day and help some one elce
If your ammonia is really 1 then there's your problem right there. Way too high.
he agen ok ammonia is now 0 im doing daily water changes (only 15%) but guess what....he has dropsy...i knew somethign was up looked at him this moring and just started crying...his one gil is huge and sticking out and hes all fat and stuf ...but its strange he seems like such a fighter he is still eating (boiled shelled peas since i thorght he was a bit consterpated) and hes allso eating his normal food and hes swiming baout but he looks so i have no clue and all the petshops are closed
just read all the posts about dropsy..dont think im gonna save him this time :-(
he lives with my pleco ..will pleco be allright ..what can i do
its not dropsy is a parasite (white poo). but i dont know how to treat it ....
and what about pleco should the betta be moved
So sorry Candy to be the barer of more bad news Dropsy is a serious, and usually lethal condition. It is caused by infection by two bacteria: Aeromonas hydrophila and Mycobacteriosis not by a parasite. It can be introduced from the bite wounds of parasites like Gyrodactyliid flukes.
The first, bacteria, can be treated with an anti-bacterial injection; however the second is, sadly, un-treatable.
The only course of action for you would be euthinasia.
The good news is, as CS has already stated, it's not contagious
nuthing i can do then..poor fishy gonna have to go to sleep..iv just been on the phone to my bf and he is going to come over and put him to sleep while im at an exam. i cant bring myself to do it..i cant stop crying,i realy loved this little guy just wish he could be happy and healthy agen. all im going ot have left is my little red spot pleco and mums silly snail...dontk now if im gonna be able to get more fish anytime soon...

:byebye: little blue boy
hi so confused...i posted everything that has happend to my betta in the betta form too and there are lots of things people have said..but it does not match here people say it sounds like he has dropsy and in there
parasites.. and its to much for me... i dont know what to do ,i cant bring my self ot put my fish tosleep and the bf got called i nto work..what happends if it is parasites and i can help that but i dont cause i think is dropsy..i could not forgive my self.
i moved him to a 2g bowl yesterday night befoor falling in to bed...and this moring i wake up and hes got a white dot on him in the middle of his body......
im goign to go down to the lps and tal kto some one there maybe they can help... im just so confused and hopeless..and al lthe joy of keeping him has gone cause he is sick..and now my pleco looks off couler and i dont know what to do about that .i did a waer hcange and cleaned my filter so it works to the best it can ..i dont even think im making sence anymore...

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