
Has anyone ever used chlorine remover filters on the faucet connected to the python? They’re only about $30 so was wondering if anyone has used them before? Something like the photos attached. Just curious.
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Has anyone ever used chlorine remover filters on the faucet connected to the python? They’re only about $30 so was wondering if anyone has used them before? Something like the photos attached. Just curious.
All of the ones I have seen require a low flow rate to be effective. Typically 2 - 3 litres per minute. Personally I would not want to take an hour for a 100 litre water change.
All of the ones I have seen require a low flow rate to be effective. Typically 2 - 3 litres per minute. Personally I would not want to take an hour for a 100 litre water change.
Yikes... Did not know they were so slow. Good to know. That would take awhile.
As a general observation many water companies chlorinate weekly on the same day. Mine always does Friday as their consumption is highest over the weekend and they don't want emergency callouts over the weekend. Therefore I always top up or change water in my pond on a Wednesday or Thursday, when the concentration is lowest, and never on a weekend. You can actually smell the difference on a weekend. Its worth checking...
Yikes... Did not know they were so slow. Good to know. That would take awhile.
Check on the instructions. Also make sure about the capacity (how many litres can be processed before it stops working). I know you can get high flow high capacity units for ponds, but (at least in the UK) they cost an awful lot more than $30. I just use dechlorinator in the pond and absolutely use the hosepipe direct as the pond is 7000 litres.
I only mention the pond (here and in earlier post) as I have switched to ro water for all my indoor tanks so chlorine is no longer an issue (for me).

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