

Fish Herder
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
cardiff uk
Hi every morning i wake up to find more dead fry corpses littered all over the gravel, they are only 3 weeks old. I feed them twice a day on Tetra min baby food. I've checked al the water parametres and they read the following:-

Ammonnia 0.1 mg/litre
Nitrite 0mg/litre
Nitrate 10mg/litre all should be ok right?

The tank is set up is a 20 litre tank with a heater set at 26'C, thin layer of roman gravel, plastic plant and a 5w filter. At the moment i have a partion up to divide the tank in half as i have 2 other babies that are 8wks old and didn't want them to eat my 4wk old ones. Also have a quantined female adult guppy in the same side as the 8wk old guppies who is suffering from a tail infection which i'm treating it with Melafix.

All the babies that have died :sad: , on closer inspection their side fins are stuck out stiff and 1 baby was bent at a 90 degree angle!!!

I'm just totally confused :/ with whats happing to them, in their side of the tank i have added an airstone to increase the oxygen content.

Someone out there please help me!!!! :(
I'm afraid it sounds like a muscle wasting disease has hit your tank, as far as I am aware there is no cure. You may lose the majority of your fry I'm afraid :( Hopefully some should be strong enough to survive but any ones which start looking as though they can't swim properly will not be eating and will die in 2-3 days :-( This happened to my tank too a few months ago - have you buy any chance recently bought a new fish for your tank??
ok thats great help as the fry concerned are all from the same brood, they do stop swimming they just shuffle accross the tank and then died later on.

Can this muscle wasting disease be passed on through the water? or is it herditory? as i have two other guppy broods in the same tank as the poorly ones. just need to know incase i need to move the healthy ones away to another area.

Please reply William you've helped me diagnose my prob at long last.

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