Hi welcome to the forum,
Hoping this is a wind up. But here is some info on your fish
Pleco = http
/www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/species.php?species_id=88 - size upto 13 inches but could be an other species that grows to 24 inches - hard to know if no photo. Either way in need of huge tanks lets say 5 foot as an absolute minimum.
Rainbow Sharks = http
/www.seriouslyfish.com/species/epalzeorhynchos-frenatum/ - 6 inch chunky fish - should only be kept one per tank due to the fact they are really intollerant of each other and should only be kept in 4 foot + tanks
Dwarf Gourami - not a bad fish for the tank
Hopefully you have a male and a female - males have longer dorsal fins - heres some good info for you - http
Glass Catfish - http
/www.seriouslyfish.com/species/kryptopterus-minor/ ideally you want a 3 foot tank for them as a minimum. And they need to be in larger groups.
Parrot Cichlid - again a big fish - capeable of a chunky 8 inches. They are a hybrid of a few cichlids with the main genes coming from the Midas cichlid - so have a read here to get a vauge idea of whats in store with this one. But Parrots are a little more laid back than Midas. http
/www.seriouslyfish.com/species/amphilophus-citrinellus/ <--- read the reproduction section on there for some good info on your parrot.
So yeah... unfortunately not a good situation - you have some very very large fish in there and some just plain unsuitable.
You need to start researching your fish before you buy - I have given you links there to two of the best sites IMO on the net for fish - planetcatfish and seriously fish - both have amazing profiles on all fish, suggested tank sizes, adult sizes and ideas on what to mix with them. Learning before you buy is the best thing to do - better yet if you have a smart phone search take it to the store and search for info there and then.
I think you need to make a decision as to if you want to get a much bigger tank or rehome them and start again. Have a think about it.
Sorry if it seems harsh, we have all been in this situation at one point or an other. It is fixable