
jordan barnhart

Fish Crazy
Jun 8, 2004
Reaction score
Nashville, Tennessee - USA
I recently bought 2 Blue Dwarf Gouramis from Wal-Mart (6/04/04). They looked fine and healty. One though doesn't look so good anymore. His fins are almost gone it looks like compared to the other one. He looks a bit discolored (Darker & browner), smaller, and his tail fin is straight and doesn't bow like it used to. Like it has been cut...

I don't know whats wrong with my lil' buddy. None of my other fish are sick, and they all get along.

I quarantined him in a my 10 gallon hospital tank.

I have some pictures for reference to what he looks like now.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

My Sick Gourami Pictures
Hi Jordan,

Sorry about your Gourami. It looks to me like it may be fin rot, or someone is nipping at him. Does he have any other wounds or ulcers on his body?

I don't know about the color change, that may be due to stress.

Either way, you might want to get some Melafix. It works wonder on helping fins heal and is a general tonic.

How much water do you change? And do you only do water changes once a month?

Hope he gets better soon!
I've always done it the 1st of every month replacing 25%-30% of the water. I've done that for about a year now. I've always cleaned my gravel and UGF with my gravel cleaner and taken out the UGF and wiped it down. I replace the carbon filters every time i do this... My tank as long as I've had it never gets dirty, cloudy water, always taking care of my fish to the best I can and this is the only time I've had a sick fish. Always good crystal clear water. Don't know if it is my fault or Wal-Marts but I need to get this poor guy back to normal. Thanks for your help.
Were the other gourami's male? If so, he could have been picked on. Even if you had 2 males and a female they will fight for donor rights. :) I recommend getting a female. They are just as beautiful.

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