

New Member
Oct 21, 2011
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First, my albino cory has recently started burying his snout in the substrate and curving his tale around to one side.... any ideas? I have had him for 3+ years in a 10 gallon tank with two other corys and a betta but recently all three corys have been transeferred into my 55 galon tank with 3 dwarf frogs and two rainbowfish (1 medium turquoise, and 1 small Boesemani). They have been there for about two weeks now.
Second, my two other corys have mated and laid eggs all over the tank. I have also had them for three years and this is the first time I have seen eggs. What is the chance of al least some of the fry surviving? I have seven plastic plants of various sizes, a medium sized cave, and a fake piece of driftwood. I still have the ten gallon tank but the filter is broken and I don't have aeration or a heater as in my larger tank. Any info would be helpful.
albino fry are fine in an unheated tank, let the water get to room temp and you can pluck out a few eggs carefully with your finger and transfer them. White eggs will be infertile and dark eggs will be fertile. If you wait 4/5 days you should see them hatch out. Lots of threads on this forum you can read and get info from.

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