hi guys and galls well here it is i went out and got a 250l aquerium whithout thinking about it to much and well now its up and running but acording to the info on this website all my fish will eat each other soon
i have the following fish
6 neon tetras
2 black stipe tetras
+-4 lemon tetras
2 angel fish
1 gormie pearl
1 i think its a rainbow shark its black whith red tail
1 also bottomfeeder and looks simmiler to the black but is striped red and black
1 fem simies fighter fish
1 unknown big guy red stripes and silverd
filtration fuvial 404
amoinia remover carbon and bio blocks
2 20w lightbulbs
1 air curtain
ps any and all advice welcomed
youre freind the young one
i have the following fish
6 neon tetras
2 black stipe tetras
+-4 lemon tetras
2 angel fish
1 gormie pearl
1 i think its a rainbow shark its black whith red tail
1 also bottomfeeder and looks simmiler to the black but is striped red and black
1 fem simies fighter fish
1 unknown big guy red stripes and silverd
filtration fuvial 404
amoinia remover carbon and bio blocks
2 20w lightbulbs
1 air curtain
ps any and all advice welcomed
youre freind the young one