

New Member
May 14, 2004
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hi guys and galls well here it is i went out and got a 250l aquerium whithout thinking about it to much and well now its up and running but acording to the info on this website all my fish will eat each other soon

i have the following fish

6 neon tetras
2 black stipe tetras
+-4 lemon tetras
2 angel fish
1 gormie pearl
1 i think its a rainbow shark its black whith red tail
1 also bottomfeeder and looks simmiler to the black but is striped red and black
1 fem simies fighter fish
1 unknown big guy red stripes and silverd

filtration fuvial 404
amoinia remover carbon and bio blocks

2 20w lightbulbs

1 air curtain

ps any and all advice welcomed

youre freind the young one :no:
first things first, get the fish into bags and take em back to the store explain to them that you havnt cycled your tank and you feel that these many fish would all die an its a waste of money, they will prolly give u store credit invest it wisley, if not then say goodbye.
you have alot of fish in that tank that are gonna kill themselfs on their own waste :(

after thats sorted cycle your tank, if u look in this section (begginers)u will find a good article on cycling the tank...

not all them fish would have done well together... ur tetras would have been fine with ur female fighter... thats all i can see that stands out atm
Your getting help now before you have fish losses. I would take some of them back if your lfs will help. To cycle your tank it is best to have a few then a fully stocked tank. You have picked some very nice fish but do some searching around here to find out more about their real needs and you will be able to figure out which ones to keep. :D Glad you joined.

i wouldnt recomend any of them to help with the cycling process tho...

if i had to narrow it down to a few id say the redtailed black shark and the lemon tetras... but id be wantin to do at least 10-15% waterchanges every other day if not every day....

the angles wont last any kind of spike, id be sure to take them back first....

dont worry mate, we (i think) have all been in this situation.... u may lose a few along the way but dont ever let it put u off, u learn hell of a lot within a few months :) if ur quicker then days lol. u have in ur hands a great hobby.. :thumbs:
hi and thanks for the advice well ive had the tank now for a couple of months and the water is clear and ph is steady so is the nitrate levels and the fish seem fine.

the fish i bought a while ago and as much as id love to i cant take them back

however not all bad news i am looking to get 1 more tank is there still hope for me or are my fish doomed due to stupidity

all advice is welcome :thumbs:
have u got a testing kit with u? if so could u test it an post the results here?

sorry but by the sound of ur first post it seemed u had only just set it up i.e in the last week or so.
ok the results are in

amonia 0.04-0.06

nitrate 5

nitrite 0.3-0.1

ph 7.6-8.0 :hyper:

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