

New Member
Oct 8, 2008
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Hi Guys

I bought 4 new turbo snails about 2 weeks ago, I already had 3 in the tank and a tiny narsisus (or whatever the hell its called lol)

The tiny one died first, I was thinking perhaps my clown fish ate it? is that possible

The new snails seem to keep ending up on there backs so again thought possibly my clown fish is attacking them, and then some of the snails seemed to start having trouble holding onto stuff, This weekend I did a water change as usual, check all my stats etc and water was reading fine, the wednesday night I noticed some of the snails hadnt moved and had all white goo coming out the bottom, so I did another water change in case something I had done at the weekend was wrong, but this morning I have investigated again and pulled 5 very smelly (almost was sick) dead snails out the tank, the other 2 seem fine though, I do not know what is happening help!

the fish are fine.... :sad:
If you've been treating the fish for anything, the medications might have had copper in them, that will kill snails outright.
By the same method, check the water you're using to mix salt with/top off your tank with. if your params are good then copper is the only thing I can think would kill them other than deadly high nitrates.

Clowns won't attack snails, as far as I know.

I have never put any medicine in my tank ever, fish have not been sick, I will check nitrates again though, before my water change they are around 25 which was slightly high but didn't think that was deadly, I did about a 1/3 water change so that should have bought them right down, and I also did another water change this week so it doesn't make sense......

(I am being haunted by the smell I swear lol)
Snails can be very sensitive. If not acclimatised properly they can slowly die over a period of time. How did you introduce them to the tank? Unlikely that the Clown fish had anything to do with it, never heard of Clownfish attacking snails. My Chalk Goby gets cross with my Nassarius and picks them up and moves them about but never had one harmed by it.
Also forgot to mention I have 2 other snails they have dark shells and are quite long, I forget what they are I have had them ages, and they are perfectly fine.

Perhaps I did acclimitise them too fast, I float the bags in the water and use a pipette to add my tank water to the bag for and hour or 2 but I must admit when I bought these I did do it slightly faster than I usually do...maybe that was the cause, it still doesn't explain why the 5th one died though?
Did you say the snails were on their backs!

I'm sure I read that some species of snail if they fall and land on their shells, they cannot correct themselves and after a few days they die!

I'm forever putting my hands in my tank to tip them back over but some can correct themselves by violently swinging their body left to right to get enough momentum to tip over.

It's quite funny to watch! Lol
They kept going on there backs, but I was contstantly in the tank also flipping them back up the right way - seems I don't think I will find an answer for now.... oh well
If it isn't down to them not being able to correct themselves then I'd put it down to fluctuating water params, mainly salt levels and/or poor acclimation although I do the same method as you do and for about the same amount of time. Extremely high nitrates would be another possibility.
I'm sure I read that some species of snail if they fall and land on their shells, they cannot correct themselves and after a few days they die!

Spot on Woody, I avoid them like the plague - however, others have mentioned that snails are very sensitive to change and this is true, SG is a common problem as many lfs keep their tanks at around 1.016/18 - this means we would have to acclimatise for many hours, not just one/two

:hi: where are my manners!

Seffie x
I'm sure I read that some species of snail if they fall and land on their shells, they cannot correct themselves and after a few days they die!

Spot on Woody, I avoid them like the plague - however, others have mentioned that snails are very sensitive to change and this is true, SG is a common problem as many lfs keep their tanks at around 1.016/18 - this means we would have to acclimatise for many hours, not just one/two

:hi: where are my manners!

Seffie x

+1 on the salinity.. i am lucky to have a good LFS who keep there tanks at 1.025.
my LFS water is 1.025 as well so is mine, wish I could decipher it was just the new snails that died or whether it was some old ones too, I cant really tell.

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