Sorry I posted prev. with no response, so thank you!
Its not a bubblesnail, its a trapdoor snail.
He's been in the tank for a few weeks, always been a little inactive, but definately moving about at night.
I recently added a heater to the aquarium to stabilise the temp a little more (it was at rooum temp (18-20'C) now held stable at 22'C).
He was at his usual 'spot' on the glass near the back of the tank, and I watch him suddenly drop off and land on his back, he then let his body unfurl, and sort of wave about in the water, I left him for a bit, but after a while got concerned when my fish investigated and he didn't hide.
Eventually, I gently touched him with the bloond end of a bamboo skewer, and he immediatly retracted and sealed his shell, about 20 min later he was doing the same unfurled thing. So wondering if perhaps his shell was stuck, I flipped him over and moved him further woard the fron of the tank, He has not opened his shell since (2 days now).
The aquarium is an aquacube (17L), with sand, live plants, small decoration.
Filtered by Eheim Liberty 2040 and 2041, lit with arcadia arcpod.
Temp 22'C, pH 7.6, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0-3.
The tank also houses - 5 white clouds, 1 apple snail, red ramshorns and bubble/tadpole snails.
Every thing else in the tank is fine and active, just worried about this one snail!!