Help !


Fish Herder
Feb 20, 2011
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hello i have some corys and last night one of my pandas died so i removed him and did a 50percent water change but all my other fish seem fine but the morning i noticed one of my wild ones put its bottom fins down and wont put them up up even when hes swimming ?????????//

whats wrong
you would need to test the water and give out the results
The females will swim around with the eggs in their bottom fins clasped together as they search for a place to "lay" the eggs usually in some weed on the back of a big plant leaf or more likley on the glass. If your catfish are old enough, and with the 50% water it could have inspired them to breed. Where the ones that where swimming around without raising thier lower fins plump? And where the fins clasped together as they swam making an effective basket?
there was only one doing this like a basket as you said but i have had no eggs yet maybe they got eating ??
More than likely, its a bit of a tight rope walk to leave the eggs long enough to harden up enough to be easily collected but not to leave them so long that the eggs all get eaten. I find a thick planting of weed beside the glass in the tank often discourages instant eating of the eggs.

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