

New Member
Apr 27, 2004
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Hi, my name is Dawn, Im new to this site, what brings me here is a love for my new found fish. Wich seem to be dying one by one and I need it to stop. My Aunt gave me a 30 gallon tank a month ago, I cleaned it out and put back the three original fish(she thinks they are Platy,I'm not sure) anyhow I waited to see how they were doing, they were fine so I bought a dalmatian Molly, 2 orange platy, 2 orange, two black, two white mollys. I have to baby fry that I am keeping contained in a breeder. Oh, I also bought two algea dissapeared ( I found its skeleton the other day :-( , The first to go was a black molly, then a white one, then another balck one, then an orange one. my dalmatian molly looks crocked (sounds crazy I know) and is staying to the bottom. My white one is either very pregnant or very bloated. I have noticed on several occasions that the three original fish whatever they may be are chasing after the fish. I need help I dont want anymore to die.
Thank You
what is your water readings? The first thing I would do is a water change it sounds like high ammonia to me. When you got the tank did you take everything out when you cleaned it??? If you did you washed away all your bacteria. You tank has to cycle. Here is what you do. Change out 25 percent of your water daily. Make sure to use a water conditioner for chlorine and cholramine, Mabey you might want to get some stress coat for your fish. Try not to buy anymore fish until you get your tank cycled. what I mean by water readings are ammonia, nitrites, nitrates. I am sorry you are having trouble. This will be the only way to save your fish till your tank gets cycled. Change your water daily 25 percent. mollies are a brackish fish they like salt but you have a alge eater so you cant add salt. One more thing cut back on feeding also.
That's great advice Dawn, there is a pinned topic in the beginner's forum about tank cycling - give it a read and see if you have any questions. :D I'm very glad you found this forum.


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