

Fish Fanatic
Aug 4, 2007
Reaction score
New Jersey - USA
i went away for a vacation and left my fish to my aunt. when i came back my betta wusnt swiming. it stays down by the corner. its not eating or anything. it has been like that for 3 days. what can i do :unsure:
Have you checked water stats.
Does he look bloated, pale, darker in colour, resting to oneside, can he maintain balance.
is he swollen? did anything change when you were away?
yeah the body is darker and by the top of the head its light. it also looks a bit bloated.... its jst stayin still on the bottom. and yes it on one side. the left side.
yeah the body is darker and by the top of the head its light. it also looks a bit bloated.... its jst stayin still on the bottom. and yes it on one side. the left side.

Feed him some boiled shelled pea and give him some general meds like diluted blue (formaldahyde) make sure your water stats are ok and that his temp is around 27 if he doesnt have a filter did the person caring for him do water changes? if not the amonia may be peaking causing illness
Best to feed peas twice a week.
Glad he back to his normal self.
I hope the little guy is better now. When I go away I clean all mine out and leave them without food. They are always pleased to see me when I come home :blush:
aw hope he is ok? its always awful when things like that happen!!

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