

New Member
Mar 11, 2009
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atm i have a 15 gallon tank with 8 tetras in there few fake plants(till i get my java moss :D) but decided to do a random water check today here are the results

Nitrite: 1.0 ppm
Nitrate: 10
Ammonia: 0 ppm

correct me if im wrong but im sure that nitite is a bad thing are my fish in danger? what sould i do to treat it?
If Nitrite is over .25ppm, that will pose a threat to your fish, as nitrite over .25ppm is toxic to fish!

What type of tetras do you have?

If you have neon tetras, re-home them immediately! As neon tetras are very delicate fish that require your tanks parameters to be spot on.

How did you cycle your tank?

To treat this, you can either wait it out and it will pass, but could loose multiple fish in the process, or you could re-home the fish and perform a fish-less cycle.

If you just finished with a fish-less cycle, you could be experiencing a nitrite spike, which is normal for a freshly cycled tank, but should not last more than a week.

If you cycled your tank the fish-less way, did you allow for a qualifying week after your nitrite dropped to zero?

If Nitrite is over .25ppm, that will pose a threat to your fish, as nitrite over .25ppm is toxic to fish!

What type of tetras do you have?

If you have neon tetras, re-home them immediately! As neon tetras are very delicate fish that require your tanks parameters to be spot on.

How did you cycle your tank?

To treat this, you can either wait it out and it will pass, but could loose multiple fish in the process, or you could re-home the fish and perform a fish-less cycle.

If you just finished with a fish-less cycle, you could be experiencing a nitrite spike, which is normal for a freshly cycled tank, but should not last more than a week.

If you cycled your tank the fish-less way, did you allow for a qualifying week after your nitrite dropped to zero?


they are cardinal tetras,

im currently doin a fish-in cycle but need to knwo if i need to add anything to the tank/water and how many water changes and how much % approx
Well seeing that you have 1.0 ppm of nitrite you will have to do a water change to bring that down below .25ppm. Anything over .25ppm is toxic.

Simple math is all that is needed. Since you have 1.0ppm, doing a 75% water change will bring that down below .25ppm. Than after that do another little water change to bring it down below .25ppm.


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