

New Member
Mar 12, 2004
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I have a 55 gallon tank with 5 lemon tetras, 2 Glass, 2 Fancy Mollies, 1 Micky Mouse Platy, 1 Rainbow Shark, and 3 Red Claw Crabs all living happily in a heavily planted tank. I woke up this morning to find that the tank was rather cloudy and when I looked closer I realized that there were dead fish and crabs everywhere. All Dead. I had actually just tested my water last night and everything was okay my roommate who also has some aquariums gave me some plant care fizzing tabs made by Jungle Labs. I put in a couple of them and then this morning annilation. Please help.

Any possible causes that you can think of I would love to know. I just don't understand how it went from healthy one night to death in the morniing.
If I were you I'd check those tablets really carefully. I've never heard of fizzing plant care tablets :dunno: Sounds fishy (sorry) to me.
james_san said:
I had actually just tested my water last night and everything was okay my roommate who also has some aquariums gave me some plant care fizzing tabs made by Jungle Labs. I put in a couple of them and then this morning annilation.
Really sorry to hear about your losses, that must be devastating :(

Are the fizzing tabs from Jungle Labs those dissolving CO2 tablets? Also, I'm curious to hear what your water parameters were (and, if you can stomach it, what they are at this point, although that's certainly not as important).

My hypothesis is that you may have water with very low kH. If you add CO2 suddenly it could have lowered the pH dramatically. The fish may have died from the shock. Just a thought though. Any other recent changes?
What type of filtration do you have? I'm not sure, but maybe the plant tablet probably creates CO2. At night, since the lights are off, there is no photosynthesis to convert CO2 to O2, therefore, the plant use up O2, like all the other fish, and expelle CO2. With the fish less active and not swimming, they are not creating enough water movement necessary to oxygenate the water. Therefore, if you don't have a more than adequate filter, the fish could have died from not enough O2.

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