I have a 55 gallon tank with 5 lemon tetras, 2 Glass, 2 Fancy Mollies, 1 Micky Mouse Platy, 1 Rainbow Shark, and 3 Red Claw Crabs all living happily in a heavily planted tank. I woke up this morning to find that the tank was rather cloudy and when I looked closer I realized that there were dead fish and crabs everywhere. All Dead. I had actually just tested my water last night and everything was okay my roommate who also has some aquariums gave me some plant care fizzing tabs made by Jungle Labs. I put in a couple of them and then this morning annilation. Please help.
Any possible causes that you can think of I would love to know. I just don't understand how it went from healthy one night to death in the morniing.
Any possible causes that you can think of I would love to know. I just don't understand how it went from healthy one night to death in the morniing.