Cheese Specialist
I have posted about this in various parts of the forum to get info in the fish that I got as an error by the delivery company (that should have been delivering me 4 peppered cories!) today.
I got a pair of Blue Limas, a pair of albino kribs and a pair of Chromidotilapia finleyi/Benitochromis nigrodorsalis.
I seriously don't know anything about the latter. Do they have a common name? I know they are mouthbrooders and from Cameroon. Monty at Trimar (the fish seller) said they are more aggressive thankribs but should be ok in my tank. I am not so sure as I am always reading that only kribs and rams are ok in community tanks.
I have the fish in my signature. As you will see I already have 2 (non-breeding) kribs in there (small at mo). I am worried about the 2 sets of kribs. Will they be ok at least for now? My tank is 60"x18"x18".
Thanks for any help/advice!!
I have posted about this in various parts of the forum to get info in the fish that I got as an error by the delivery company (that should have been delivering me 4 peppered cories!) today.
I got a pair of Blue Limas, a pair of albino kribs and a pair of Chromidotilapia finleyi/Benitochromis nigrodorsalis.
I seriously don't know anything about the latter. Do they have a common name? I know they are mouthbrooders and from Cameroon. Monty at Trimar (the fish seller) said they are more aggressive thankribs but should be ok in my tank. I am not so sure as I am always reading that only kribs and rams are ok in community tanks.
I have the fish in my signature. As you will see I already have 2 (non-breeding) kribs in there (small at mo). I am worried about the 2 sets of kribs. Will they be ok at least for now? My tank is 60"x18"x18".
Thanks for any help/advice!!