

Jun 28, 2007
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Ok, I just got a blue dwarf gourami about 2 weeks ago. He is now in my 12 gal. with 4 x-ray tetras and 1 platy.

Ever since i got him, he's been swimming up & down & side-side all over the glass windows :angry: . So lately I think he is dominating the tank. See, i had 2 platies until I went on vacation. When I got back one was dead. I don't know what to do! I Think I will take him back to the store. :grr: :S -_- :huh:
Doesn't sound like he's dominating the tank to me, sounds like he's still getting used to his new enviroment. Do you have a strong filter on the tank? I know that Gouramis are slower moving fish and strong currents upset them.

Another thing, you'll know if the gourami is being agressive as you'll see your other fish just sitting up in a corner (or in the bottom corners of the tank), or they may just be hiding all the time.

One death in that tank may not be associated with the addition of a single fish. The person you left in charge of the tank may have over fed one day and caused the death, or mabye they didn't feed at all. Insidentally, what sexes are/were the platys? If it was a 1-1 ratio, one male and one female, then that may have caused the death of your platy as the ratio with any livebearer should be ATLEAST 2 females for every male, usually 3-1, 3 females to 1 male.

Hope this helps

I have an under gravel filter...I don't know how powerful. The tetras have been hiding in the back of the tank lately. The platy comes out and swims normally but doesn't get close to the gourami, although, he shows no aggression. Yes, both platies were female. And, I 4got to mention I was gone for 2 days so I fed them a little more than usual so I didn't need someone to watch 4 a short amount of time.

Be4 I went, I did notice that the one platy did have some kind of swim bladder, because she was floating at the top, struggling.
i have just taken one of my neon dwarf gourami back to the shop. i had two males and they fought a lot. they can get terratorial but i think they are one of those fish with really contrasting personalities. however mine only ever fought amongst themselves not with anything else. good luck!

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