

Fish Crazy
Oct 11, 2006
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Davy Jones' Locker
Ok, My pleco not to long ago died. It wasent to big and I bought it small. I had it at least a week and it died. Im now in search for a cleaner fish for my tank. I had a snail long before this and it went missing, I havent seen the shell either. I had 2 cory cats when I had my natural community tank up, one died in a big peice of driftwood and the other went missing.
I was hoping someone could give me some advice or suggustions on what may have happend and what cleaner fish I could get.
What size tank do you have, how long has it been set up, what fish do you have in there, and do you know what your plec died from (sorry to hear about that)? It might help if you tell us your ammonia/nitrite/nitrate levels too. Sorry for all the questions, it's just easier to help if we have more info :)
What size tank do you have, how long has it been set up, what fish do you have in there, and do you know what your plec died from (sorry to hear about that)? It might help if you tell us your ammonia/nitrite/nitrate levels too. Sorry for all the questions, it's just easier to help if we have more info :)

I have a 30gallon aquarium, its been set up every sence july. Now, I have 2 blind cave tetras, and 3small feeder goldfish (we bought them and added to the tank). I dont know the cause of death of the pleco, but I do know he was surfacing to the top of the tank and swam along the water line. Then he died.
I cant tell you the ammonia/nitrite/nitrate levels mainly cause I dont have a kit eanymore.....
I would take a sample of your water to the lfs and tell them to write the readings down for you.
You have three goldfish in there which are massive waste producers, and they need a bigger tank if you are going to keep them.
I would take a sample of your water to the lfs and tell them to write the readings down for you.
You have three goldfish in there which are massive waste producers, and they need a bigger tank if you are going to keep them.
Ill be sure to, thanks. And Im not keeping them theyre just feeders for my oscar..
Well I wouldn't give him them there full of desease goldfish feeders, not much nutrition in them either, so its not worth the risk.
Just want to check that the oscar not in the 30gal tank is he.
You cant use them for feeder fish now you've had problems in the tank, you could unwittingly add disease to your oscar tank, and he might be the next one floating.

Invest in a test kit - with an oscar (well - for any tank really but more so with such a messy fish) you really really need one.

I wouldn't add another plec to the tank, unless you go for a smaller species. Common plecs can get to 18", sailfins to 2ft, so I think you'd agree your tank is a little small for one ;)

What temp are you keeping them at? I'm not big on diseases (Wilder's the expert) but sometimes if your fish are surfacing it can mean they need oxygen, and one major cause of a lack of oxygen is too high a temp ;)
You cant use them for feeder fish now you've had problems in the tank, you could unwittingly add disease to your oscar tank, and he might be the next one floating.

Invest in a test kit - with an oscar (well - for any tank really but more so with such a messy fish) you really really need one.

I wouldn't add another plec to the tank, unless you go for a smaller species. Common plecs can get to 18", sailfins to 2ft, so I think you'd agree your tank is a little small for one ;)

What temp are you keeping them at? I'm not big on diseases (Wilder's the expert) but sometimes if your fish are surfacing it can mean they need oxygen, and one major cause of a lack of oxygen is too high a temp ;)

LoL, no the oscar is in a larger tank.
And theyre kept at69-70, and I have the aerating ornaments so its not cause of the oxygen. Also, I put in a tablet of med. Called bubble buddies and the fish are doing fine, its just that the cleaner fish that I have had all either go in hiding spots and die or start acting funny and die. And I need suggestions on what I can keep in the tank to get the clean and wont out grow the tank.
I agree with Lisa that until you know what's killing your fish, it's best not to add any more. I also wouldn't use the feeders in case there is disease in your tank (feeders aren't necessary for oscars anyway - they're junk food and he's better off with a varied diet including a decent pellet).

Wilder's advice on getting your water tested was good too - maybe if you could show us the results of that, we might be able to narrow down what killed the plec? Good luck. :good:
I agree with Lisa that until you know what's killing your fish, it's best not to add any more. I also wouldn't use the feeders in case there is disease in your tank (feeders aren't necessary for oscars anyway - they're junk food and he's better off with a varied diet including a decent pellet).

Wilder's advice on getting your water tested was good too - maybe if you could show us the results of that, we might be able to narrow down what killed the plec? Good luck. :good:
Ill be changing the water and filter soon. I may change the gravel to, but Ill keep you updated. For now all is good. No dead fish or eanything, But Im still going to change the water. I still need suggestions on a good clean up fish for the tank?
But what will you do with the other fish in there?
Will with the fish I have now being small, (blind cave tetra, and feeders) I have a nice sized 5gallon that was allready set up Im not using. Ill probley take the feeders back to the store, I have not long just bought them.

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