
Miss Wiggle

Practically perfect in every way
Mar 24, 2006
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Right this evening me and my other half have rescued a tank and it's inhabitants from a colleague of mine. It's 120l and currently stocked with 2 full adult marble angels, 2 young koi angels, 1 youngish black angel, 1 golden gourami and 1 silver dollar..... or at least we think it is!

We'll call it the silver dollar for the sake of this post, but were not 100% convinced it is one, so any opinions would be gratefully received!

We've moved the tank and set it up in my front room, were careful in transporting all fish and everyone except the dollar seems to have done well. But he's lost a few scales (everything in the tank looks a bit beaten up though so not sure if it's from then or from transport) and he's just hovering just above the substrate and barely moving, he doesn't seem to be having problems breathing or anything like that, just extremley lethargic and when Ian was re-arranging the plants he touched him by accident and whereas most fish would run off he just sat there, just doesn't seem quite right.

Taken a couple of pics, not v good as done in a bit of a rush, Ian's just about to do water tests but it's just been set up with a mature filter and new water (with dechlorinator) so I can't imagine there would be water issues.

I know the stockings not great, were re-homing and completely changing round the tank, just planning on leaving them there a week or so to quarantine them.

so yeah, what is he, whats up with him, what should we do! thanks

quick update: water stats:- ammonia 0ppm, nitrite 0ppm, nitrate 0ppm, ph 7

so pretty much exactly what you'd expect for having basically just done a 100% water change


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The fish looks bloated to me, also are them white patches fluffy on him.
nope not fluff, thats where he's lost scales either fighting or in transit

Hard to know if he's bloated as we don't know what he is, so haven't really anything to compare it too!

any thoughts on what fish it is??
Not sure on which type of fish it is, but he dosn't look well, i would add a bacterial med to the tank and increase aeration.
we were contemplating salt, which is going to be better and less stressful to the fish?
Salt fine as long as you don't have any scaless fish in the tank, as it helps with stress and wounds, has the been flicking and rubbing, i will put some shelled peas in the tank if he's still eating, try to see what it looks like when he goes to the toilet.
He looks sad in them pics bless him.
no flicking, and no scaless fish, whats the quantities of salt you should use?

we'll just get a few peas on the go now and see what happens, not seen him go the loo yet either, they have been pretty much neglected the last few months tho and I think fed purley on flake (not even decent quality stuff) so constipation is a definate possibility, could it really get to the point he's gonna pop his clogs from it?!

he does look sad


they all do a bit, but they've nice new homes to go to and fingers crossed we'll be able to bring them all round and make them happy again!! :D
hmmmm not done anything to the tank yet but he seems to have started to really perk up now, is swimming round again! maybe it was just the shock of settling into a new house!

fingers crossed!
Just add two tablespoons for now if it's a 120 litre tank, don't like him sitting on the sand, as with some fish that can be a sign of a bacterial infection.
Just add two tablespoons for now if it's a 120 litre tank, don't like sitting on the sand, as with some fish that can be a sign of a bacterial infection.

he's up and swimming again now

salt won't do them any harm though so might stick some in to be on the safe side!
that's definatley not right, having a lone SD being touched and it hardly reacting. mine even if you touch the water they were all over the place. somethings up with that. also i had one that did something to the front of it's head just above it's mouth sort of an open wound but it healed up on it's own. deffinetly try feeding pea's mine used to love their greens.

there's a chance he's not happy as he's not in a group to shoal with either but i know your rehoming him so it won't be for long.

yup if he is what we think, and he's healthy enough and the bloke still wants to take him, he's going to a nice big tank tomorrow with other SD's so just being by himself won't be an issue much longer.

thanks for the help everyone, salt's just about to go in now..... keep your fingers crossed!
I wouldn't move him tomorrow as the stress of it all could finish him off, let him get well abit first.
aye I've pm'd dan who was going to take him explaining the situation.... but there's pro's and cons as I know bugger all about SD's and his new keeper knows loads.... so although it'd be bad moving him he'd be in much better hands :/

we'll see!!

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