

Fish Addict
Dec 21, 2005
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I have two cherry shrimps. I think a male and a female a while ago the feamle was carrying eggs. I have just noticed tiny things in my tank. Like 1mm sized tadpoles some have two smaller balls further down(no cheeky coments :D ). Are these young or something else?

My snails still haven't arrived off ebay so i have no first hand experience, but everything i have read about them suggests that the young look just like miniature adults and don't have a larval stage. Not sure what you could have in your tank have you been feeding any live foods that could have grown in the tank?

Emma :D
they could well be young shrimps, though it's hard to tell without seeing them. Just to warn you they are supposedly hard to rear, try getting marine plancton type food that might help - or maybe the old lettuce in the windowsill trick.

Emma are you getting shrimps or snails? :D

shrimps have two different ways of having young; some have the small larvae stages young and others have the egg to small adult versions of themselves young.

I must admit I don't know which type the cherry shrimp are.

I'm getting cherry shrimp ah yeah i see i put snails whoops. Cherry's definately develop into small shrimp without the larval stage unlike amano shrimps. They are said to be easy to breed which is why i thought i'd have a go.

My fan shrimp and amanos carry eggs all the time but nothing ever happens. I think amanos need to be in brakish water in the larval stage though i could be confusing them with ghost shrimp. And i haven't researched the fan shrimp so who knows.

Emma :D
Okay so I agree that they may not be cherry babies. But what are they I have never fed live food and the only other thing that is in the tank are amano shrimps and they ain't the culprits.

Any ideas
I have been a bit of a saddo and got out a microscope they deffinatly ain't shrimps. I think that they might just be water bugs that you would usually never see because fish would eat them. Any way i hope they don't cause any problems.

Thanks Bloozoo I have red them but the problem is that altogether 3 was the max I could get with decent info. And they all contradicted each other. One said there was lavae the others said there wasn't. Some said they like brackish water others said they liked fresh. They also apparently like hard water but then again according to another they like soft. Temps that they breed best at range from 60-80 over different pages. What is a poor fellow to do?

Any I am going to do some reaserch into their natuaral behavoir and habitat in the wild and work on it from there also still trying to trace down some more cheap adults so i deffinatly have mixed sexes.

Presumably I have got to get it right eventaully.

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