

Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
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Ghost has been treated with white spot stuff and I cant see any more spots. He is now laying on bottom of tank on side, his fins are split..can I do anything to help him cos he keeps looking at me with sad eyes!
Sounds like he could have a secondary infection which sometimes happens. I'm assuming you have salt in the tank with him? Perhaps a little melafix if you have it? I've used it before with whitespot treatment with good effect.
I put some interpet 9 in for internal systemic bacterial infections as he had bloodstreaks under the skin surface last night I think the streaks have gone..would you put him in clean water with a bit of salt...I am now stumped.
He needs to stay in the anti-bacterial treatment now as you've only just added it. Is the treatment for the Whitespot finished? Maybe he's just working hard now fighting the infection. I wouldn't add anymore meds right now just let the ones you've used work on him.
Thanks for reply. Just leaving him now he doesnt look good though. :no:
Hope he pulls through for you Liz

Sending positive vibes :nod:
Too late...just looked at him and think he is dead....he was breathing about 5 minutes ago but think he has stopped...will leave him in tank for today...I am going to stop buying bettas that dont look tip top.I reckon I have spent about £25 on bettas that werent good and they died...
Sorry to hear it Liz :-(

Sometimes they've been through so much that the meds they desperately need is just too much for their tired bodies :/

I never name my fishes and hubby had called this one ghost....poor little chap....

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