

New Member
Feb 3, 2006
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hello everyone

i have a goldfish tank with 5 goldfish in and recently i have notiched one of them has developed pinky white patches on the top of his body and am wondering what this could be
thank in advance phil
What type of goldfish are they, plus if you don't answer we can't help you.
heres a pic,bit rubbish


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Itt look fluffy is this correct.
Well it's bacterial and you will need a bacterial med, would like to know size of tank and water quality.
its a 30 in length 12 in width and 15 in depth tank in inches,the ammonia is 0.25 and the nitrite is yellow on the tetra test scale
Sounds bacterial and could be the start of ulcer disease or columnaris but we need a clearer pic of the fish.
5 fish is overstocked in a not quite 3 foot tank.
What sort of filter do you have and how much are you doing in a water change and how often?
Maybe three times a week at 40% may be needed and if it is ulcers adding salt may help but need to know if you have any scaleless fish first.

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