

Fish Fanatic
Oct 10, 2004
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I'm looking to set-up a fish only tank roughly how much would it cost I’d like a fairly large one but not huge about 36" to 48", including all the equipment?

Also what fish would you recommend?

And what shops to use preferably online?

This would be done with the idea to convert it into a reef tank when slightly more experienced.


My 3ft setup cost I think around $800 altogether. However, I bought everything second hand and this lowered the price dramatically. The fish I have in that tank are a coral beauty, percula clown and a cleaner wrasse.
Well for my 4 foot [75 gal, 55 commonly comes in 4 ft as well] 3 months into the maintenance costs and lots like 11 corals and fish, its been about $2000. But this is for a reef tank including coral food, supplements, powerheads and protein skimmer [which should be used for FO tanks as well]. The cost will be less for fish only, especially if you dont have live rock yet [which you will need in converting to a reef]. I bought everything new. I would highly suggest trying to find a used tank though.

I would suggest doing fish locally, but if you can find less expensive stuff online like equipment and a portion of your future live rock, Id say go for it as long as you know what youre getting.

Some easy beginner fish are percula or ocellaris clowns, royal grammas, most gobies, and damsels [only yellow tails, the others are pretty mean]. If the tank is big enough [at least 75] and you supply enough macroalgae and a good varied diet, yellow tangs are also a good choice. Look through liveaquaria.coms beginner marine fish section for some ideas.

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