

Fish Fanatic
May 29, 2005
Reaction score
Middlesbrough- Uk
Hi Guys,

Oh im devasted- tonight I was looking at my fish, and I notice my clown loaches are covered in white spots, at fist glance I thought it might be sand, but then realised they were swimming, in which the snad would of fallen off.

I have 8 bristlenoses, one goldy pleco and an albino pleco in their.

From what I can tell, the albino and one bristlenose are infected.

I have whitespot control- can I put this in the tank with all of them?

Any adv is greaty appriachated.

maybe? I use a medicine called NOX-ICH and its cured all my fish that got it.
The best anti-ICH meds I've used with cats & loaches (and no fatalities) is the Interpet Anti-Whitespot +
Though not Clown Loaches so not sure if it's fine with them too. But I have some Angelicus Loaches (Botia Kubotai) and Kuhli and they are asolutely fine and cured within days.
Hi Guys,

Well I have used- Whitespot Control by King British- Pray for me that I dont lose anyone- Il Cry

I have added 5ml- that treats 45 litres.

I have over a £100's worth of plecs in the tank :(


The tank-

I'm confident your plecs will be fine. If anything, it will be your Clown Loaches that might not take well or respond to the meds.
I've not used King British, but it's a good brand and I'm sure it's fine.

But fingers crossed.
Post the pic again and if you can make it smaller because you blew it up to big and I can't see it.

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