Help With Worms


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Mar 1, 2004
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Washington D.C.
Okay, well, I'm not really a Beginner, but I figured this was the best place to ask.

I noticed a few weeks ago I had a few black worm-looking things in my gravel in my 30g. I asked at my very good LFS, and they said "It's fine, they'll eat leftover food". So I left them. Now, I went to do my water change/gravel vacuum and they are EVERYWHERE. I seached around, and I have California Blackworms. I hate worms, and I don't even want to do gravel vacs anymore. :X I have cut down on the feeding, and that seemed to have gotten rid of a few of them, but they are still definitely there. Is there any way I can rid of them besides that? I don't have the heart to suck them up with the gravel vac, but if that's the only way I guess I'll have to.

you could try the old cabbage leaf trick just put a leave in over night with a bit of string them pull it back up in the morning its worth a try.Oh by the way can guppy fry survive in 19C
They'll go for veggies? :blink:

Nope, too cold. Technically they probably COULD survive, but I would never recommend trying it.
yh they will go for it hopefully its worth a try anyway isn't it oh and thanks
Even if they did go for it, why would they stay on it when I pull it out of the tank? Snails I could see....worms, no. -_- But I suppose I'll try it...My Kisser will like it anyway.
its worth a try they usually stay on it and make holes and it isnt really a loss even if it doesnt work is it its worth a try
That didn't work, I didn't see a single worm. :/ Any more ideas/suggestions, or should I just go for gravel vacuuming them up?
What sort of fish do you have in there? From what i have gathered, alot of fish will eat California Blackworms, if you take out the gravel that they hide in they'll be gone in a flash once the fish can access them, other than that all i can think of would be to gravel vac them up.
continue vacuming the gravel [ just look the other way ], also continue to cut back on feeding .

The less waisted food in the substrate the more likely the worms are to come up looking for food , and at that point the fish with eat them .

I've had this problem in the past , I don't believe they cause any harm at that point .

I haven't feed them to my fish in a few years now , not for that reason .
Thanks guys. :)

Toxis - It only has a Kissing Gourami and a Bristlenose, 40g. I tried taking out the gravel, because I want to go sand, but they were everywhere and it freaked me. I am such a wimp. :*) And I doubt those fish would eat it anyway.

Lucky - I am trying to cut back on feeding, however I have a full grown Kissing Gourami, and s/he is very hard to feed. Since s/he has the kissing mouth, she sucks up the food, but a lot of it falls to the bottom, no matter what I do, even hand feeding her. :X I cut down to half an algae wafer for my BN, so maybe they won't get as much food from that....but again, I doubt the fish I have will eat them. I guess gravel sucking and looking the other way it is. :lol:
Thanks guys. :)

Toxis - It only has a Kissing Gourami and a Bristlenose, 40g. I tried taking out the gravel, because I want to go sand, but they were everywhere and it freaked me. I am such a wimp. :*) And I doubt those fish would eat it anyway.

Lucky - I am trying to cut back on feeding, however I have a full grown Kissing Gourami, and s/he is very hard to feed. Since s/he has the kissing mouth, she sucks up the food, but a lot of it falls to the bottom, no matter what I do, even hand feeding her. :X I cut down to half an algae wafer for my BN, so maybe they won't get as much food from that....but again, I doubt the fish I have will eat them. I guess gravel sucking and looking the other way it is. :lol:
Pity we didnt live closer , ive got a couple of Oscars i could lend ya! :hey:
:lol: I guess that's one way to take care of them!

I have been doing gravel vacs (and looking away) so they seem to be going down a bit. Not that I went looking for them....but it seems like fewer when I do the gravel vacs. Maybe they are just hiding though. :p

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