Help! With Water/tank Problem


New Member
Nov 26, 2008
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Hello, I need some advice!
One of my fish died (a cute Corydora) which I was very sad about and I didn't know why. So I tested the water with my API master test kit and these were my results:
pH: 7.6
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: I think it's at 10 ppm (Is this my problem?)
Ammonia: 0 ppm

ALso my tank has been getting dirty lately, some of the rocks have algae on them which I need to change out and I've had to take out some of the decor because it had algae on it. I have live plants in there- are they the problem? They didn't produce algae at all in the beginning and I've reduced the amount of time I leave the light on but theres still algae...

Anyone have any advice for how to fix this?? I'm about to do a partial water change and clean out my tank so I hope someone can give me some advice soon! :unsure:
No, the 10 ppm of nitrate is not your problem.

Algae needs two things to grow, ammonia and light.

How healthy are your plants?

How much light do you have? Is it over 2WPG? Do you have Co2 injection?

Unhealthy plants = Algae growth.

Also, direct natural sunlight on a tank will lead to algae growth.

My plants are pretty healthy.. well they were! I trim them when I do a water change when the leaves get brown but other than that they are good..there isn't too much natural sunlight on them at all. I don't know what the light wattage is..... and I have an air stone if that helps?

Any other advice?

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