Help With Treatment


Fish Herder
Nov 17, 2005
Reaction score
Finger Lakes, NY
I got a new betta boy from WalMart today... I have bettas coming out of my ears, but I felt so bad for him. He's obviously got fin rot, but there's white cottony stuff on the end of his tail, and I think I saw some around his gills... and I see at least one spot that looks kind of like ich on his body... is this columnaris, ich, or both? What should I treat him with, from what I have? I've got Jungle Fungus Eliminator, Quick Cure, Maracyn and Maracyn 2, and Melafix. Any ideas? I really want to see this little guy make it. :/
That could mean that it has parisides.sorry about that but that is how a fish lives.
That sucks! I'm sorry. . . that cottony stuff can take them quick - well he might of had something besides it.

It just sucks to loss a new guy. . . . :/
A killer that fast is consistent with columnaris, as is the white fuzz, but it could have been a virulent fungus. It sounds like he had a whole slew of things wrong with him; disease, protozoal parasites, and infection. If nothing else, you at least gave him a nice, peaceful, loving place to die. Just make sure you get a refund so that you do not reward the awful store's husbandry practices; it is a shame he had to languish like that due to something that was probably as simple as inadequate cleaning (like emptying those cups is SO hard).

sorry about that but that is how a fish lives
And that's the kind of attitude that KEEPS fish living like that.
Yah, I took him back to WalMart and they only offer to exchange it for another betta. I took a look at the other guys and no one particularly looked sick, so I didn't even bother to get a new one. There's one "ugly-looking" grayish blackish one there that I doubt anyone will buy, but if he's still there after like a week I'll pick him up (have to pay again though <_<).

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