Help! With Sudden Cloudiness


Addicted and in Therapy
Jul 13, 2003
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Wichita, KS
I've got a big problem! At least, it looks like a big problem... -_- This morning, the 6 gallon tank was fine. A couple hours later, when I got home, it was cloudy as all heck. I have no idea what's going on. I had done its weekly water change 2 days ago..... and I did another one today (about 1/3). I tested ammonia (at 0), and nitrites were up a tiny amount (less than .25). That's why I did the water change. Anyways, the only other thing that is different with what's been going on in the tank is that I have been adding Maracyn Two for 2 days (today will be the 3rd day). However, it isn't supposed to cause cloudiness, as far as I know. :dunno:

What's going on? I don't want this to be a problem!! The cloud looks like a bacteria bloom, but it doesn't make any sense - I shouldn't be having one. This most certainly isn't a new tank or anything. It's a greyish-whitish cloud (like bacteria, but why would I have it?), and when looking up towards the light, I can actually see it moving through the water.

Help! What should I do/not do? What could it be from? Anyone else had similiar experiences? :/
Usually you will get a bacteria bloom when you are fist setting up the tank. Also the maracyn doesnt cause cloudiness but may kill off your bacteria that will in turn make a bacteria bloom start.
I agree with kgrehm...I think the best thing to do would be to re-seed it with a different tank. This won't make you feel any better, but the 90 is back to a cloud too. :/

Good luck baby.
hey man dont worry about it. The same thing happened to my tank when i first started it. It goes away in a coucple of days

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