Help With Stocking


New Member
Jul 14, 2009
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I have a semi planted ten gallon tank. It has some drfiwood and rocks in it currently with standard aqarium gravel. It is filtered and heated and lit. I currently have...

-male betta :hyper:
-2 cory cats (julie and albino) :drool:
-2 ghost shrimp :rolleyes:

Should I add another cory? Maybe two? Also would a small shcool of platys be okay, or are they brackish?
I'll get some pictues up soon!:D

And should I add an air pump for the corries to play in, I heard it makes good decoration!
1 inch of fish per gallon. The air pump would look good but isn't necessary provided your filter gives considerable surface movement.
Well, the minimum number of cory's to have is 6, so I would add more of those to get their numbers up. As far as the platy's go, I don't think that they would be a problem. Just watch out for the inch per gallon rule of thumb and don't add all the new fish at once.
I'm not a big fan of the inch-per-gallon rule. Without resorting to the extreme examples, it is, in my opinion, not the best rule of thumb. I would definitely increase the number of cory cats. I think you could probably get away with a group of three platys (one male, two females), but that would definitely be the max. Even that may be pushing it a tad.
Mollies are the ones who prefer brackish water. Platies would be fine. Def increase your cories, they're much happier in a school.
You guys really think a 10g tank has the substrate area to support 6+ corys? And then you bash the 1 inch per gallon rule. n1.
I'd increase to 4 cories.

The 1 inch per gallon rule is very vague and not really appropriate once the fish being considered are over 2".

I personally would add only male platies as if you add females you will soon be overrun - they breed approx every 5 weeks....

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