Help With Stocking


New Member
Sep 29, 2006
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I currently have a 42 gallon hexagon Oceanic tank that is leaking in two places. After sending the company an email it was apparent that I would need my original receipt for a replacement. Not being able to find the receipt I had to go out and purchase another tank before the leak got worse.

The tank I purchased to replace the leaking tank is a 47 gallon tall. Its dimensions are 21" long x 18.5" wide x 31" tall. Yes, it is an extremely tall tank. Eco-complete substrate, abundant live plants, and bog wood complete the tank.

The fish being moved into the new tank are:
1 veil angelfish - did have three but two paired off and have their own tank
3 silver hatchetfish
1 rubber lip pleco
2 megalechis thoracata
1 peacock eel

What would be a good addition to the tank?
Filtration on the tank is a Fluval 305. Water quality has been perfect since the tank has been set up which was about a year ago.
My other two tanks consist of:

55 gallon long
2 melon discus (pair)
1 golden dojo loach
8 black neon tetras
4 cardinal tetras
5 oto catfish
2 yoyo loaches
4 corydoras trilineatus
*loaches were purchased to combat a snail problem. Decided to completely redo the tank and keep them in the tank. Discus are old enough to be kept in high 70 degree temperatures.

20 gallon long
2 veil angelfish (pair)

The 55 gallon sounds like an odd mixture but it has worked to perfection. All of the fish get along and are happy with their environment.
Well seeing as you have about 40 inches of fish in there already give or take a few if im correct,your pretty limited to your choices. Id say go with like 2 more hatchets like cuticom suggested or maybe a dwarf gourami.

Just do a little research you will find what your looking for.

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