Help with some Id's please


Fish Herder
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
The desert

Just bought a 4 foot tank off eBay which came with some cold water fish and I have no idea at all what they are, so here are the pics, can you guys help me.









Also number 4 has some problems, he is floating at the top of the tank on his side as if dead, then when he does start swimming he is twirling around all over the place. I actually thought he was dead at one point and was about to net him and off he went. But when food was added he was straight in there. They apparently haven't been fed for about 5 days, though they were pooing in the hour they were bagged.

Sorry the pics are bad, but they will not stay still long enough to get pics.

Thanks in anticipation of your assistance.

Hopefuly your 4 foot tank holds at least 100 gallons as that would be the minnimum for 9 goldfish...

As for what strain of goldfish each is...

The first is a moor (though it has a lot of bronze while pure moors are supposed to be pitch black - discoloration like this one is common though). The second looks like your average shubunkin comet mutt :p. The third I have changed my mind about a few times. I think it's probably just a poor quality fantail. Number four is a ranchu (no dorsal right?). Five I can't realy identify from that angle but it's probably an oranda (does it have a lump on its head?). Am I right in thinking the fish in six are those individuals in seven and eight? Seven is just another comet as far as I can see and eight looks to be a common. Nine is rather blurry but that looks like another shubunkin common.

BTW, when I have used the term 'shubunkin' above, I am reffering to the tricolor calico pattern - not the shubunkin 'breed' (strain) of goldfish.

I am not surprised the ranhu has health problems as they are very prone to swim bladder deffects and problems simming. The mix of fish here, in fact, is not the best as the fancy types with unusual body shapes and lots of in-bred anscestry should not be kept with the extremely hardy 'common' types as they often find it difficult to compete for food. Also, fancy types are often kept in warmer water than the hardy commons and comets often viewed as hardy outdoor pond fish that can live through a winter where their pond actualy freezes over...

What I suggest you begin by doing is feeding all the fish shelled peas for a couple of days. Then, when it's time to revert to commercial foods, take a bit of tank water beforehand and soak the flakes or pellets or whatever for a few minutes. This will ensure the goldfish don't pick food of the surface and swallow air and also, dry food can be difficult to digest so adding moisture to it is a good way to help. I also suggest fasting the fish in about a week for a day once they've all been fed and settled in (as you said they haven't eaten in 5 days) and then feed a shelled pea the day after the fast. Keep soaking the food for the goldfish BTW and a shelled pea every now and then is good too. Also, don't be afraid to feed them frozen or live foods and they love vegetable matter too.
1) Black Moor
2) Shubunkin, possible Fantail Shubunkin if it has two tails?
3) Fantail
4+5) Ranchu, Oranda.
6+7+8+9) Shubunkin and Common Goldfish

Number 4 has a disease called Swim Bladder which sounds very far gone and therefore could be incurable, try feeding it some peas or bloodworms. If the fish does eat them and begins swimming probably fast it for a few days and only feed small amounts each time afterwards, but sadly I think it may be to late. :/
Cheers guys

I had got the black moor Id'd well I was 90% sure.
No2 is same as the big one in 6, 7 & 9 (I have 3 or 4 of them in total).

I also kinda suspected swim bladder disease, will try them with peas in the morning.

Sylvia, no my tank is a 35UK Gallon, but no need to worry though I hope that very soon it will hold NO goldfish let alone 9, once I can get them down to the LFS, they are going as the tank was bought to become a tropical tank, the fish will be going to Wharf Aquatics asap, if they'll have them that is, otherwise a friend will take some in his pond.

Thanks again guys.

Once again, thanks guys, thankfully they are no longer my problem.

A friend took the large Shubunkin in number 6 along with the other one in number 6 and number 8 for his pond and Wharf Aquatics took all the rest, including the one with swim bladder, I was sad to see him go I was hand feeding him peas this morning. Still I got £10 credit which quickly went along with plenty of other cash on a heater, new lid and some nice gravel.


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