Help With Sick Fantail


New Member
Mar 27, 2011
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I am new to this forum.. and desperately need help.

So I have 2 little small small fantails, about 1cm or 2cm each, and they are in a 15L (roughly) tank. Ever since I got them home last Tuesday (today is Sunday) they have not once eaten, and at first they were okay, but on Wednesday Goldie started just lying straight on the bottom of the tank. But the other one (Sprinkles) was still okay. But over the last few days Sprinkles started to do the same thing and is now in a far worse condition than Goldie as he is lying on his side at the bottom now, breathing but not moving.

They won't eat or swim. I put them in a second tank to test it out, and neither appears to be able to swim. If they get under the filter wave they just blow around the tank like they're dead and smack against ornaments and the side of the tank. There doesn't appear to be anything wrong either of them physically, except that they don't seem to be able to swim. I don't know what to do about it.

My water is tank water (as in rain water that lands in a water tank as I live on a property) and doesn't have chlorine and all that stuff in it anyway, but just incase I added water conditioner to the tank, as well as water clarifier and stress coat. It doesn't seem to have made any difference.

Can my fish just not swim? Is it swim bladder? New tank syndrome? Something else?

Both have just been lying at the bottom of the tank for days, not moving or eating.. but still breathing and alive. I'm worried.
Water parameters? Is your tank cycled? Does it have a filter?

Rain water is not that great for all fish, because it doesn't contain very much in it at all.. using dechlorinated tap water would probably give you more favourable conditions for the fish.
Water parameters? Is your tank cycled? Does it have a filter?

Rain water is not that great for all fish, because it doesn't contain very much in it at all.. using dechlorinated tap water would probably give you more favourable conditions for the fish.

Well yeah it was tap water, but living on a property means I don't get "town water", it's just..fresh rain water..

Well the one that was lying on his side at the bottom of the tank has just died since I wrote that last post. Upon close inspection after removing him from the hospital tank he appeared to have some sort of rotting all over his main body.. so I don't think he had swim bladder.. as I hear that's not necessarily fatal. I need to buy a water testing kit a.s.a.p, so I can't really give you any numbers or anything.. but I do have a filter that is always running. And yes the tank is cycled.

I now don't know what to do about my second sick fish that doesn't appear to be able to swim at all. I hate just waiting for him to die but after the first one just dying I feel like that's what I'm doing.. What is a good medication for a fantail that won't eat/swim?? He literally has just sat at the bottom of the tank (but not on any angle) for almost a week. Not normal behaviour. He seems to literally have no control over his fins at all. He got stuck to the side of my filter earlier and to an ornament and didn't appear to have any strength whatsoever so get away.
There is no medication to fix what you want. On the other hand, "rotting all over the body" sounds bacterial, so I would try a general anti-bacterial/fungal medication (I use eSHa 2000) and increase aeration.

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