Help With Puffer Please


New Member
May 13, 2007
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I purchased a green spot puffer yesterday or "leopard puffer" as it was sold to me as , i am no expert on these fish but was sure it would be ok in my freshwater tank , tankmates will be ok i think and feeding a doddle

Problem is after googling the fish i cant tell wether i have a tetraodon schoutedini , which is the spotted congo puffer , which is completely freshwater or maybe it is a t. fluviatilis or t.nigroviridis , both of which are brackish to marine at adult stage

Any help with identifying wil be received with gratitude as obviously if it is a brackish fish i need to rehome it quick , thanks , Paul
ok after some more googling , i noticed all 3 of the above fish have generally white under bellies mine has more brown underside with more brown spots with greeny/yellowy markings on top of its head , no spines under its belly rules out the congo one , help !!!
I purchased a green spot puffer yesterday or "leopard puffer" as it was sold to me as , i am no expert on these fish but was sure it would be ok in my freshwater tank , tankmates will be ok i think and feeding a doddle

Problem is after googling the fish i cant tell wether i have a tetraodon schoutedini , which is the spotted congo puffer , which is completely freshwater or maybe it is a t. fluviatilis or t.nigroviridis , both of which are brackish to marine at adult stage

Any help with identifying wil be received with gratitude as obviously if it is a brackish fish i need to rehome it quick , thanks , Paul

Green Spotted Puffers are High Brackish fish, and will require full saltwater at adulthood. On top of that they grow to about 6-8" so fairly large filtration required. Not a community fish.
It's a tetraodon schoutedini, aka Green Puffer. It'll need brackish from now on and isn't really suited for your community tank. Take it back to the shop and tell them not to sell fish without asking questions about your tank first.
It's a tetraodon schoutedini, aka Green Puffer. It'll need brackish from now on and isn't really suited for your community tank. Take it back to the shop and tell them not to sell fish without asking questions about your tank first.

The chances of it being T.schoutedini are slim to none. It hasn't been traded for years, because they were collected from the congo, and the areas where they were collected now have civil unrest and fish collecting isn't possible.

I'm thinking it's more likely to be a ceylon or at a push a target puffer. A picture will help no end.
Thanks everyone , but timmy , if it was a schoutedini , it wouldnt need brackish , they are the true freshwater puffers arent they ? anyway i dont think it is that one , its definately not a target puffer either , so it must be one of the asians which means its brackish at the least

It is around 5-6 inches which means it must be nearly fully grown , seems happy and fed well on blood worm lancefish and a couple of frozen prawns last night , bubbly little character and not agressive yet , but i guess if he need s brackish he will be ok for what , a couple of months tops ? then he will die , am i right ?

I will try to post a pic later , please keep reading and try to help me guys as i desperately want to identify him 100% because i would love to keep him , thanks again , Paul.
Thanks everyone , but timmy , if it was a schoutedini , it wouldnt need brackish , they are the true freshwater puffers arent they ? anyway i dont think it is that one , its definately not a target puffer either , so it must be one of the asians which means its brackish at the least

It is around 5-6 inches which means it must be nearly fully grown , seems happy and fed well on blood worm lancefish and a couple of frozen prawns last night , bubbly little character and not agressive yet , but i guess if he need s brackish he will be ok for what , a couple of months tops ? then he will die , am i right ?

I will try to post a pic later , please keep reading and try to help me guys as i desperately want to identify him 100% because i would love to keep him , thanks again , Paul.

id say a couple of weeks at most. But you definately should ID asap and if needs be start raising the SG upto the requirements of the fish if it turns out to be a GSP or other Brackish Puffer.

Pictures are the best way to ID Puffers, so get a snapping :)

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