Hiya i have a 6ft by 6ft by 4ft deep koi pond - which also has some goldfish and a large stergeon. I heard your ment to switch off the pond filter and UV during the winter but can i still do that if i have a sturgeon because they need lots of oxygeon? also do i need to continue to feed them because of the stergeon?
any help for the winter months would be greatly apreciated!
dont turn the filter or uv off. keep them on even if its only goldfish in the pond.
im not sure on sturgeon but the koi and goldfish dont need feeding thought the winter.
i have cut my feeding down now to every other day.
you need to keep the filter on as it will keep it ticking over during the winter for the spring/summer next year. if you turn it off it will have to start a fresh and build all the bacteria up again.
the uv doest only break down algae but it also kills bacteria (good and bad) so it will kill all the bad bacteria going around the pond.
im sure the sturgeon will be the same but im sure someone will comment. if you want you could feed a wheat germ food until they are slow at taking it and slowly cut down