Help with Plecos


Fish Crazy
Jun 16, 2004
Reaction score
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Hey all, I am new to this forum and had a catastrophe last night. I found my plecostomus dead in the water. I think maybe he was starving himself. I had the little algae discs for him but I never saw him eating them. I noticed when I first put it in th tank, it was cleaning and sucking on the glass, but now what? So I need help to find out how to keep one of these guys.

Any help is appreciated
What are your water parameters? Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate? The tank size? Temperature? How long has the tank been set up? Do you use filtered water or tap and is it dechlorinated tap?

Lots of things to remember to add. :)
Ok thanx for letting me know about the other forum but I will still reply in here for a bit.

I dont know how to explain the water parameters, but where I bought the pleco from, I had my water tested and everything was safe and ok. This shop has been open for about 15 years and I was talking to the owner.

The tank is 20 gallon, with 2 calico fantails, and a black moore now. The temp of the tank is about 21 degrees celcius (room temperature). I have a mechanical filter setup that sucks the water out of the tank and filters it through a carbon/sponge media. My tank has been set up for about 4 weeks now.

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