Help With Newborn Fish Please


New Member
Feb 15, 2011
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hi there,

i have been doing a fishless cycle for over a month now in a fluval edge tank and just 5 days ago i put 2 guppies in, only issue is, they gave me one pregnant fish unknown to me :X and 3 days ago she gave birth. I have had tropical fish for 5 years but have never had frys. Can some1 please tell me what i am supposed to do? This is what i have done so far...luckily i have 2 tanks so i removed the 2 big fish into the other tank as soon as i found out that there were newborns, so now the newborns (which i have counted at 8) are in the fluval edge which i understand is going to be 2 small for them when they fully grow but for now they seem to be doing fine. I feed them 2-3 times a day in small amounts normal flakes that i grind into dust. Is there any other advice anyone can give me or tell me if i am doing anything wrong so far :S . Thanks :*
Sounds like you're doing fine so far. Just remember to do lots and lots of water changes as it's almost inevitable that you'll over feed them (don't worry, we all do it; it's better to over feed and have to do extra water changes than not feed them enough when they're growing)

If you don't do enough water changes they won't grow properly, some breeders do 50% a day or more!
oh thank you for letting me know, i had not done one since they have been born as i was not sure if it was a good idea being its still a new-ish tank. Will make sure to do one today :)
Don't forget to do lots of water changes on that fry tank. Fry will grow much faster if given good water conditions and the frequent feeding tends to build up waste faster than usual in the water.

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