Help with new fry


New Member
Apr 23, 2004
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London UK
Hooray , my big female guppy just gave birth , last night. Can you believe it I knew she was due ., so for the last few days I have been putting her in the breeder, what happens yesterday , I forget and , see in the morning that she has dropped them. I am so happy this is teh first time i have guppies and first tie for fry. Only realised when I saw the rams catching something, Took me 30 minutes to catch 9 fry , I could not find anymore, guess the other monsters eat them alas. Also for the first time I have lost a fish , a female Dutch ram due to dropsy . Anyway my question , what am I to feed the fry I have mashed up the normal flakes and put them in the breeder box , but haven't seen any of them eat it. Also I have a separate net breeder , should I move them to that , they are currently in a plastic one , some of the neon’s seem to be very interested in what is on the other side of the plastic wall of the breeder (floating). Thanks for your advice.. :D
Crushed up flake is great and if you want some baby brine shrimp are excellent and just about anything that will fit in those TINY litle mouths. Guppy fry are voracious eaters, they will find the food just make sure the flakes are almost powder. If the breeding net is bigger then yes move them over. I am sure most of your fish will have a certain interest in what is going on inside the breeder :shifty: Good Luck
tstenback said:
Crushed up flake is great and if you want some baby brine shrimp are excellent and just about anything that will fit in those TINY litle mouths. Guppy fry are voracious eaters, they will find the food just make sure the flakes are almost powder. If the breeding net is bigger then yes move them over.
Thanks, these baby brine shrimp, can they be bought in frozen or in blocks, if so how much do i feed them and how often ? also are these the same that you get in a big brown block ( from interpet) which i have tried with my other fish non, of whom seem too interested. what about daphia ? woudl the fry like that ?? Thanks for your advise.. :)
There was a post on baby brine shrimp yesterday the link is Here Normally you buy a package of what looks like seeds and add them to water with a light source and temp of around 82 and you grow them. Daphnia would also be fine. HTH :)
tstenback said:
There was a post on baby brine shrimp yesterday the link is Here Normally you buy a package of what looks like seeds and add them to water with a light source and temp of around 82 and you grow them. Daphnia would also be fine. HTH :)
Thanks T, since my last email, on the way back home i went to the LFS and bought intepets liquid fry, which i have used yesterday and today morning, i haven't seen any of the fry eat any or pick at the ground flakes which i have put into their breeder, am i likly to be having a problem on my hands, rearing brine shrimp seems a bit messy and hard work , but thanks for the advise.

Mo. :)
To get rid of the uneaten flakes in the breeder i just use a piece af airline tubing and syphon the stuff out of there before it rots. This is small enough so that you can control where it goes and there is less chance that you will accidently suck up a fry. Just in case though always do this into a container where you can check and see if a fry did get sucked up with the food. HTH :)
tstenback said:
To get rid of the uneaten flakes in the breeder i just use a piece af airline tubing and syphon the stuff out of there before it rots. This is small enough so that you can control where it goes and there is less chance that you will accidently suck up a fry.
Great advise, i am going to do that when i get home, i would of never thought of that ...going back to my qestion , i haven't seen them eat yet, will they die ? I would hate for that to happen , :sad: , how can i get them to start to eat ?..
give them time :blink:

most fry are attached to a yolk like sack, they wont eat anythin untill they have eaten an digested this sack :)

my molly/platie fry didnt eat for the first two days... then they were soon guzzlin down fine flakes an brine shrimp lol

also remember the more crap u put into that little breeders box, the bigger the chance of u losin fry, try an syphon off the debrise every day.. just make sure like tstenback said u dont suck up the fry, i have done this once... but i found him still swimming happily in the bucket lol :fun:

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