Hooray , my big female guppy just gave birth , last night. Can you believe it I knew she was due ., so for the last few days I have been putting her in the breeder, what happens yesterday , I forget and , see in the morning that she has dropped them. I am so happy this is teh first time i have guppies and first tie for fry. Only realised when I saw the rams catching something, Took me 30 minutes to catch 9 fry , I could not find anymore, guess the other monsters eat them alas. Also for the first time I have lost a fish , a female Dutch ram due to dropsy . Anyway my question , what am I to feed the fry I have mashed up the normal flakes and put them in the breeder box , but haven't seen any of them eat it. Also I have a separate net breeder , should I move them to that , they are currently in a plastic one , some of the neon’s seem to be very interested in what is on the other side of the plastic wall of the breeder (floating). Thanks for your advice..