Fish Crazy
EDIT: I already posted this is the Beginner Questions forums, but someone suggested to post in this forum.
Okay, I spent all afternoon setting up my 72G Bow Front tank. However, I'm now running into a problem with the filter.
Tank: 48"W x 23"H x 13"D
Filter: Eheim Pro II 2026 (Canister)
NOTE: This is my first time using a canister filter
I was about to install the filter, but have encountered some logistical problems. The instruction booklet pictures showed that the intake hose and output spray bar should be on the same corner of the tank (see my crude diagram below). The "I" represents Intake... and the "O" represent Output/Spray.
First of all... I thought that the Intake hose should be on the complete opposite corner of the tank from the Output/Spray (see crude diagram below). At least that's how it is on my Eclipse tank... where the Output flow causes the waste to be pushed towards the Intake. Am I right for thinking that way?
| OOOOOO ------------------------------------------------ IIII |
Second of all... my Output/Spray can't fit the way their diagram shows because their connector and spray bar is almost 15" long... whereas I only have 13" tank depth.
I feel so confused... and frustrated since this is the last step to getting this system running. I was hoping to begin my fishless cycle either Sunday or Monday, but won't be able to unless I get past this filter setup problem.
Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.
Okay, I spent all afternoon setting up my 72G Bow Front tank. However, I'm now running into a problem with the filter.
Tank: 48"W x 23"H x 13"D
Filter: Eheim Pro II 2026 (Canister)
NOTE: This is my first time using a canister filter
I was about to install the filter, but have encountered some logistical problems. The instruction booklet pictures showed that the intake hose and output spray bar should be on the same corner of the tank (see my crude diagram below). The "I" represents Intake... and the "O" represent Output/Spray.
First of all... I thought that the Intake hose should be on the complete opposite corner of the tank from the Output/Spray (see crude diagram below). At least that's how it is on my Eclipse tank... where the Output flow causes the waste to be pushed towards the Intake. Am I right for thinking that way?
| OOOOOO ------------------------------------------------ IIII |
Second of all... my Output/Spray can't fit the way their diagram shows because their connector and spray bar is almost 15" long... whereas I only have 13" tank depth.
I feel so confused... and frustrated since this is the last step to getting this system running. I was hoping to begin my fishless cycle either Sunday or Monday, but won't be able to unless I get past this filter setup problem.
Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.