Help With My Pygmys


Fish Gatherer
Mar 14, 2010
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I posted something about this a few months ago but the situation hasn't improved.

Basically my Pygmys have gone from being active cheeky little things to do nothing but hide all the time. It happened a couple of months ago and they haven't yet snapped out of it. I know where they hide and can just about see in and they're all just huddled together. Occasionally I'll see one come out and obviously they must come out and feed sometimes or they'd be dead but other than that they're like different fish. Also, if one IS out and I come near it completely does it's nut and shoots all over the thank until it finds a hiding place. For some reason they now seem terrified of me.

I did think it might be because I changed from live to silk plant a couple of months ago (maybe a Nitrate issue?) but I've now had live plants again for a couple of weeks and there's been no improvement.

Does anyone have any ideas what could have happened and how to fix it? I've ordered them a coconut hut that's big enough for them but not really the other fish to see if that helps them feel safer but other than that I'm stumped :S.
Im not sure if i commented last time, but if you only have 7 pygmys then i would say its nowhere near enough for them to feel safe. They are such small little things and very fragile that they really need to be kept in a group of 15 or more and i personally feel thats a minimum number for them. I would perhaps consider taking the Gourami number down to 4 not 6, its quite a large number of them for a 60 litre and they could possibly be the cause of your pygmys being so shy. That would also make some space for more pygmys on your bioload. Worth considering.

How often do you do a water change out of interest? and do you still measure for ammonia and nitrite?

It's very funny you should say that because this started to happen around the time I had to put the other 3 Sparklers in my tank. I had 3 in this tank and 3 in the 20l downstairs but had to make room for a male Betta in an emergency which is how I ended up with 6 in there and now slightly overstocked.

But I did wonder if having the 6 of them there is what's frightened them. I can never bear to part with any of my fish though. I have been looking at a 90L tank which I'm thinking of upgrading to. I guess if I got that then I could afford to up my Pygmys to 15. I've thought about just adding another 3 to this tank so I've got 10 but it's already overstocked so I don't want to push it.

Yeah I still do tests, always fine. Water get's changed about 30-40% once or twice a week.
I honestly dont think a 90L tank will make a blind bit of difference, most of the extra litres will come from the tank being taller so the surface area of the base wont be increased much at all, which is what your corys need. Nobody likes to offload fish they have kept but sometimes you have to bite the bullet and do whats best for them, not whats best to keep your own feelings in check.
Well, we've kind of established a 'possible' cause for them being so shy, how you act on it is really up to you. But personally, i would skip to a 125 litre and remove a couple of Gourami at the same time. Tiz all i can really offer :)
I'd love to, space is the prob. My only option may be to re-home my Spaklers.

My 16 pygmys are in my 55 gals now,and they appear to hide some of the time,although they do venture out as well.

Personally unless the sparklers are chasing them,i can't see it making any difference re-homing the sparklers has the pygmys may still act the same way.

Just my opinion :)
Hi Harlequins, sorry I only just saw you'd replied.

TBH I've been thinking bout re-homing my Sparklers since I made this thread, especially since the other day I saw one of them even try to nip my big Platy. Little sods I think they are. I do think they're lovely but not to the detriment of my Platys and Pygmys which are my fav.

Trouble is I will not re-home them to anywhere that I don't know is a good home and I don't know anyone :S

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