Help With My Beta


New Member
Aug 16, 2003
Reaction score
Tampa, Florida USA
I have been raising my beta for over a year now. Lately he has been at the botton of the tank and does not want to do anything. I changed the water last night hoping that would bring him out. He swam for a little while and has been laying at the bottom since then. Can someone please tell me what is wrong and what I can do to bring him out of this lethargic state he is in.

The white spots sound like ick to me. Start treating him immediately...there are plenty of ick treatments out there (I personally use Cure Ick by Aquarium Products...same makers of Aquarisol. Cure Ick has formalin AND malachite green) to choose from. Just follow the dosage and duration directions that come with the medication you pick. Also make sure which ever medication you choose is safe for all the species of fish you have in the tank (some medications can't be used with invertebrates).

I just recently went through my first case of ick with my Betta. I caught it early and began treatment. He's fine now. Now that he's cured, as a preventative I put Aquarisol in his tank once a week (note: don't use Aquarisol and Cure Ick at the same time!).

Now...if you already know all this, please forgive me. It just dawned on me that since I'm new to this whole fish thing, that you probably already know more than I...don't want you to think I was being condescending in anyway. Just trying to help.

Keep us posted. :)

After much debate yesterday, I came to the same conculsion as you. I believe that he has ick. It is my first time with this. He has always been healthy and happy. I went out and got a product called Quick-Cure and gave him his first dose when I got home. He is stll a the bottom of the tank, but hopefully beside turning the water blue, it will make him better. I am glad thathe has his own tank and there are no other fish involved.

Will keep all posted as the daysd go by....

Pipesmoker916 -_-
I also used quick cure. It says it can cure ich in 2 days but I think that is impossible. When the Ich was not gone in 2 days I contacted their tech support. They told me to do a 20% water change and continue treatment for 10 days dosing every other day. Also you must remove the active charcoal from your filter. Good luck.
Ya know Moe, my Cure Ick said it cures most cases of ick in 24 hours. I didn't believe it....I'd done some research on ick and its cycle and due to that cycle, 24 hours is just impossible. But the product did work and cured Solomon. He's a happy active camper now. I basically treated him over the period of about a week (repeating cycles of dosing as directed) keep us posted on his progress.
He seems to be doing better after two treatments. He is still at the bottom of he tank, but each time I check on him, he is in a different spot. He was not like that before treatment. So he must be starting to feel the effects of it. I read the directions before treatment and took the carbon filter out, thanks Moe for the reminder. I will give the water a 20%change soon.

I was hoping for quicker results, but I guess itwill take a week. I'll keep you posted.

Pipesmoker..... :crazy:

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