Thanx, everyone. Now for all the important info I left out in my rush last night
Tank - freshwater setup with powerhead, heater. Temperature hovers around 27-28*C/80-82*F - kinda high coz my lfs said if I leave it like that for a few days after introducing the new fishies (done yesterday) that would help keep any risk of disease to a minimum seeing as I don't have a quarantine tank at the moment. It's around 15gal (approx. 60L), I think it's a fairly standard rectangular make, approx. 23.5" x 12.5" x 15" (L x W x H).....ok well now I've measured I'm not so sure it's a 15 (US) gallon because I went to a few conversion sites which gave me varying figures - everything from 13gal to 20gal (all US gallons) however big you think my tank is I guess......
Fish - I have tetras (4 colombians & soon to be adding 3-5 black widows to my current 1), a small apple snail, & will hopefully soon be getting a blue ram, don't think I'll have any left over room from that but if I do I'll either get 3 small cories of some kind, or 4-5 otos (though bogwood's almost impossible to get here, so probably the cories)....Don't think I'll have that kind of room though unfortunately
Plants - I want to have ones that will grow sort of at different levels, like big ones & little ones, & of different shapes etc. if u know what I mean. I've been told some types of Anubius are good, & also Java Fern, Amazon Sword, Wisteria, & Anacharis. Not sure which of these are available here, but they all sound fairly easy to grow, & don't need too much lighting from what I've read (correct me if I'm wrong).
So anyways, Lighting - if the crazy coloured ones are no good, does that leave me getting one of those day-glow ones or just a plain white one? Or are they the same thing...?? *sigh* so much information, I'm confused
) oh well, thanx so much for all your help everyone. BTW - if anybody thinks I'm doing anything wrong so far please tell me!! They seem to be doing fine so far but I want to do the best I can for my fishies.