Help With Identification


New Member
Sep 7, 2008
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I would be grateful for any help with identifying any of the species in this illustration.

There appear to be 18 different species in six groups of three (the large central trio is repeated in one of the outer cartouches.)

The colouring may have been altered a bit by the Chinese enamellers.

These were painted on a large basin of Chinese export porcelain, circa 1740. The porcelain has other designs by the Ducth artist Cornelis Pronk, who was commissioned by teh Dutch East India company to produce designs for porcelain. UT means that these are probably derived from colour plates of exotic fish, that date from before 1740.

Can identify any of these?

or know of the possible source for the prints?

I am also not sure of the significance of the grouping of the fish in these overlapping trios.

I can supply a better image by email if needed.



Will Motley
Well for the center fish, the purple one with spines appears to be a lionfish representation.

The bottom (upside down) trio looks to have the same two background fish as the center trio, but with a common perc or ocellaris clown instead of the lionfish.

The picture at about 12:30 seems to be a scropionfish on top with again, two unknowns underneath.

8:00 seems to be a representation of angelfish/butterfly fish on top...

Not sure of the others, could be larger game fish from the local waters, and most seems to be very similar, if not the same, with just different colors.

Ox :good:

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