Help With Id Please..


grumpy old man!
Oct 28, 2005
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Hello there..

I gained a tank from someone a while back, and I am moving the fish that came with it to a new bigger tank (48 USG), and i want to make sure i understand the fish requirements before i go ahead and add other fish.

I have been a little daft for a while and made an assumption (bad idea) that i had a bristlenose plec, because he is at least 4-5 years old from what i can gather speaking to them when i obtained the tank, and he is only a few inches long. However, i had to move this tank over the weekend, and had a good opportunity to look at him,(hes hidden all the time, so it was hard to see his head and look for bistles.. he didnt, so i was wrong) and would like to ID exactly what he is to ensure that i can provide the best environment.

I know plecs can get huge, and want to make sure this wont outgrow the new tank. Hopefully the fact that he is at least 4-5 years old and about 4-5 inches long at the moment will help in identifying this thing.

Heres a couple of pics.. (they are not great, i did not want to stress him by taking too long with the tank move, and he kept moving alot ;) )

(dont plecs make funny noises when you net them. creak creak)




it is a Oxydoras niger spotted dora
Having trouble finding the ones you mean on not convinced its part of the oxydoras family looking on that site, and not sure which of the white spotted ones you mean guppy.. perhaps that site doesnt have them on there.. the two white spotted ones are quite different on there. one can be 3ft long.. the other 7 inches.

Confused still.. appreciating the help.
I'm pretty certain it's a normal spotted Raphael (talking catfish) / Agamyxis pectinifrons :)
See Planet Catfish.
ahaaa.. i had just found the exact same link bloozo...

i agree..

i see what you all meant now..

dora family?
talking.. (well i called it a creek ;) )
Agamyxis pectinifrons

so.. 5 1/2 inches is manageable then.....

i tell you what.. hes a right lazy wotsit.. but seems perfect for a community tank from looking at the description..

oh.. and i dread to think what he was saying to me then as i netted him!

Thanks ALL.. for your help...

That is *SO* cute! I wish my gibby had talked when I was handling him, I think it's very cool that yours makes a noise.

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