help with gourami


Fish Addict
Jul 14, 2004
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Hi there,

I have recently purchased two beautiful male blue dwarf gouramies (sp?) and I have them in a 10g quarentine tank right now. I have been researching to create a peaceful community tank in my 29g and it seems gouramies would be a great addition. My little guys have been in there since friday and today (tues) they both have started making bubble nests (which I did not expect without the presence of a female). One of them has been successful but the other is not due to the filter destroying it. Now they seem to be fighting over the one nest, chasing each other around and I am worried. I want them both to be happy. Should I purchase some females for them ( I really don't want to breed) or do you think the 29g will be enough space for each to do his own thing. Also, should I move them into the 29g sooner than waiting two weeks for quarentine? 10 days seems like a long time for them to be uncomfortable.

thanks for any ideas
It would be a good idea to place these two males gouramis into your 29gal... but if they are still in quarentine then I would wait a bit.
Do these guys like nip each other? If they don't attack or nip each other I'm pretty sure that they will be ok for the next couple of days.
If you don't want to breed your goursmia don't get any females... they males will fight over them too :blink:
I definately don't want to breed. I have guppies and they drive me crazy with all the babies. It's very hard just to leave the fry in the guppy main tank to impending doom.

Friday will be one week of quarentine so I guess I will will move them the. Even though these guys aren't that big, 10g is way to small for them. I just hope they are not diseased in any way.

I have been looking for a site that has pics of sick gourami so I know what to look for. Does anyone have an ideas?
The two I have look healthy, eat well (although slow, but they seem to be slow and mellow creatures), and obviously keep eachother busy.
I have gourami's in my tank. 1 Blue and 2 kissers. I have a 30g. tank. My community tank works just fine with them in there. Although I also have 2 pictus catfish, they're very neat to watch and have lots of character. I made the mistake of getting some neon tetras. I wanted them, but unfortunately so did the catfish. They ate all but one of them. Shouldn't have any trouble with the Gourami's, but watch what kind of bottom dwellers you get if you want small community fish. I ended up with Serpae Tetras, Glass Fish, Zebra Danios, and painted tetras for my schools. They are big enough that the cats can't eat them. :rolleyes: Good Luck!

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