Help With Goldfish Tank


New Member
Sep 3, 2012
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I have a 3 year old plain goldfish in a tiny 10g tank, I am picking up a used 37g that comes with the eclipse 3 hood filtration system. Any feedback on the hood? Reviews seemed pretty good.

I would like to add a black moor into the new tank as well as a few smaller fish. I ready Cory cats are one of the only tankmates for goldy's. Would this stock level be ok with this tank?

I would like some plants in the aquarium as well and have been reading about lighting, temp, and such for goldfish. I am curious how many plants should go in a 37g tank. I don't really want tons of plants, just to decorate, provide some hiding spots, and improve water conditions.

I plant to start the new tank with the plants in it. Can I use old tank water to set it up? I read ammonia is not good for planted cycling. Would using old water and substrate, filter media be a way to get it set up? I could use some of the OTC bacteria, enzyme products as well if they help.

Forgot to mention. I am going with this tank due to cost. I would like a larger one, but don't have the funds right now. I found the eclipse setup and stand locally for a very good price.

Thanks for your help, I appreciate it. My computer is broken at the moment and its hard to research everything on my cellphone.

Thanks again.
Hi Philcav7, Welcome to the forum. Good job on getting an upgrade for you fish :) I'm guessing you have a Comet or a Common goldfish since you mentioned plain old goldfish. If so you really souldn't mix a fancy goldfish such as a Moor with your fish. This is because fancies can't compete well with a single tail goldfish for food. If your goldfish is still small then you can get away with having some cories with it for a while but the goldie will eventually eat or try eating your cories as it gets bigger. I read stories about goldies getting a cory cat stuck in their throat and dieing from it.

You wont have to worry about cycling your new tank if you move your old filter and run it in the new tank and keep the new filter running too. This way you have your cycled filter and a new filter that will cycle in a month or so. You can move your old tank water to your new tank if you like and the substrate but I don't think there is much benefit in moving the water but I'm sure it wont do any harm either. So it's up to you.

Your goldy will most likely feast on most of the plants you put in the tank. My goldies tend to nibble on all the plants I put in their tank save Anubius. As for how many plants, it's hard to say. Try planting some in one corner of the tank or something so it leaves plenty of open space for your goldy to swim in.

My goldy is huge, so I guess the Cory cats are out. Is there a minimum size that I should consider placing with my existing fish? He is about 6-7"

I Ended up with this fish because my wife wanted to play a game at the carnival, we didn't expect him to live more than a couple weeks. I wouldn't have chosen goldfish if given the choice, but that's what I have. I think the moors are cool looking and would prefer to not add other commons in the tank. How big of a risk factor is putting a moor in the tank with this big fella?
Personally I would move as much as you can from one tank to the other aswell as do as suggested with the filters. The way I see it the more friendly bacteria that is in the tank to start it off the better and that includes the water if it is in good condition too.
I know it's probably more messing about for you but it will help water quality in your tank.

People say you shouldn't mix common/Comet goldfish with Fancy goldfish. Personally I never had a problem in this regard, I think it's very much luck of the draw.

I have never grown plants as I heard Goldfish make a meal of them but i may try an Anubias as Mothi suggests.

As for tank mates. I had problems with the dominant of the three female Dalmatian Mollies. I've got Dianema Catfish, Albino Rainbow shark, Golden Ancistrus, Long Finned Ancistrus Pleco and an L008 Leopard Pleco and so far no problems at all. Will be adding a few Platy possibly and some Praecox Neon Rainbows and see how they go when I get them into a bigger tank.
i can't comment on the Cory's, never had any experience of these tbh.

I won't be able to run both filters together. The eclipse system is actually a light hood with the filter built into it so there is no room for a hang on filter. I was going to try and move some of the mesh from mine into the new filter.

It wouldn't be a problem moving some tank water over, I do water changes 2x week with the 10g.

Thanks again for the help, all. I appreciate your input

When I get it together I will post some pics, maybe that can give you some ideas for plants.
In that case it's best to move all the filter media or as much as you can from your current filter to the new one. Good luck.
Looking forward to the pics:)
I assume you have foam filters of some kind in both new and old filters. You may want to squeeze out your old filter foam in some of the old tank water and wash your new foam filter in that too. The less nice and clean the new filters look the better as it'll kick the whole process off quicker.
Thanks again all!

I went a different route with the tank and blew my budget. I went with a 36" x 18" 40 gallon tank with an aqua clear 70 filter instead of the used 37g tank...30" x 12" didnt seem big enough.

I have both filters running, some of the old gravel, and a little bit of the old water. Tank was treated with stress zyme and stress coat from API.

Still need to buy some plants to go with the fake ones that I have in there. All the plants at petsmart looked terrible, so I will get them later.
A few more questions, if you don't mind :)

1. I have pebble type gravel that's about 3/4-1" thick. How thick should it be?
2. I have my old filter in the tank along with the new aqua clear 70. Should I keep them both or should I upgrade my second filter down the road with a larger model? If yes, what filter would you recommend?
3. What are your thoughts on air stones? Do they have any benefit besides looking neat?
4. Is there a benefit to water additives such as stress zyme? What should I use during each water change?




Here are a couple pics I snapped. I got two telescope eyed friends for the tank. All three are getting along great enjoying their new home.
The gravel is fine. IF you could find an under gravel vacuum for a tank your size (not sure if there are gravel vacuum for big tanks, it'd help the filteration system much better with getting rid of waste. As for airstones, I would go ahead and use a couple in the tank. My goldfish loved the airstone. The always provided more oxygen for them. They look neat, yes. Some people say they're nothing but decoration, but I think they're something. Goldfish aren't fish that really like calm water,so airstones would be suitable for them. Filter: You can do either with the filter(s). If you upgrade, I recommend Marina. Those filters work GREAT!(as far as I heard). For me, Tetra filters sucked. Well, maybe cuz I was overstocking.... But I recommend Marina fitlers.

I heard Aqueon also worked good.
Hi Philcav7, Great job on the upgrade. So you ended up getting two more fish instead of one? lol. I know the feeling, it's very tempting to get more fish. Those 2 little guys are really cute expecially the calico one.

When the two little telecope eyes grow bigger, I think you might need to upgrade your filter or even the tank itself. You can use airstone as it will provide surface movement for gaseous exchange. I've never felt the need to use airstones for my goldies though, the filter outlets create enough aeration in my goldfish tank. Your gravel looks fine for goldies. I'm not sure about stress zymes as I have never used it, I only just use pond dechlorinator to dechlorinate the new water when I do water changes.

How are the fancies getting on with your big goldfish?
Hi Peeps, just thought i would stick my oar in and say firstly nice job on the tank and anubius is a great plant to add to your tank but it is not impervious to goldfish although they don't tend like it due to its bitter taste supposedly i find little bits floating in my tank all the time. but as someone on this great forum advised me once plants for goldies are like salad to be prepared to replant regurly and i've got a nice way to plant elodea densa which too is a salad cart for my fancies but i use the plastic from electrical connection blocks and stick the stem of a couple of plants in then bury under gravel or rocks and they seem to find it hard to dig them out and also they root nicely. hope that helps but again be prepared for lots of work if you want to put plants in. take care

Both of my telescope eyes had fin rot and were moved to the 10 gal tank for treatment with Maracyn and Maracyn 2, the black one didn't make it...his was really bad. The white one looks great and think he will be okay. It turns out the the store I bought them from, Pet Supplies Plus, has problems with disease from their distributor.

I will move the white telescope eye back in about 3/4 weeks and make sure he's healthy.

The main tank is doing better. I'm doing 10% water changes and the amonia dropped from 0.5ppm to below 0.25. I also switched to prime water conditioner.

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