Help with German Rams Lots of Questions!


New Member
Feb 7, 2004
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
I went to my LFS and found they had some german rams that have been in their tank for about 2 weeks.

The PH in their tanks is 7.8 which is about what mine is as well. Maybe lower. I read that rams like between 6.0 and 7.0. Im assuming since theyve been at the LFS for so long they will be ok? Will they be ok?

What kind of fish will they get along with?

Will they be ok with live plants?

How many can i put in the same tank, im thinking about using my 29 gallon and putting live plants. Making it a ram tank with a few bottom feeders.

7.8 is at the very outer limit of what I would keep them at. Its not impossible, once they are acclimatised for long enough they should be ok. Rams are mass produced now and are a far cry from the tougher wild rams, the mass bred ones are generally very weak in my experience.

If they are ok in the shop after another week, it should be fairly safe to buy them, the LFs should hold them with a deposit if they are any good. I usually put fish by for a week or so as a general rule, just to check there's nothing nasty getting a free ride with them.

I would avoid trying to bring your pH down to lower than 7.2 or thereabouts because thats how the local water chemistry influences it, and doing battle with it is usually dangerous and pointles, unless you've got the right weapons ie Reverse Osmosis or De-ionisers.

If they are still there after a week go for it, use a finegravel or sand substrate with echinodorus plants and tall vallis for them to hise in and some nice corydoras would be an excellent mix :)

Rams are generally very peaceful. Once they start breedin though they can be kinda pesky. Not too bad though. Almost comical to put your hand in their and let them bite you. No more than 4 in a 29 gal...any more than that and you would be pushing it. They have to be able to get away from each other if things get hot. If a planted tank is what you are gonna get...then you are most likely gonna use co2. now....CO2 will lower the pH of the water. In my case it lowered it drastically...but i think in your case that will be a rather good thing. Put some crushed coral in the tank to act as a buffer so the pH doesn't swing quite as bad and so its more stable. If you don't want to go to all that work your pH will be fine. You might have a little trouble with some other species of fish that are more sensative to water parameters...but as long as you research them and know what you are getting they should be alright. HTH.
Im afraid to use sand cause of most of my equipment is impeller based.

I will be using fluorite or that TEC natural gravel stuff in the 50lb white bag.

Hope these 2 will be adequate.
I have a 29 Gallon tank and plan on adding some German Rams one day. I have all fake plants now, but I plan on buying real ones soon. Do German Rams need real plants or fake are ok? (Temp) The info is saying they need real plants and caves etc.

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