Help with food for fry...micron question


Fish Fanatic
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Richmond, BC, Canada
My bettas spawned and hatched this past Saturday. Approx. 30-40 of them that I can count. Currently I am feeding them microworms. But it seems that alot of the times the fry are sitting near the surface of the water.

I do notice some very very small red/brown colour insects (not worms) moving around the water (maybe came from the floating ricca that I have in the tank), and usually near the sides of the tank (just near the surface). Do you think the fry will eat those too?

I'm just worried that they might not get enough to eat. Then again I see some microworms still left on the floor (I also do not want to overfeed to pollute the water).

Has anyone tried Golden Pearls?

Also, what micron would be suitable for fry my size? And what micron should I use a couple weeks from now if I try these Golden Pearls?

Or are there some other alternatives that will not just "lay on the bottom" of the tank to feed my fry @ this size and the next few weeks? I know some people use BBS, but it can get expensive with that, as well as causing swim bladder disorder if overfed.

Thanks very much for any help you can provide. ;)
if you have plant in the tank you will find that inforsuria Will be present so they Will feed on that as soon as the egg sack is consumed and they will go to the bottom soon and feed on the m/worms just don't feed two much m/worm as it will die and fowl the water...... :D
Hmm...I do notice some of the fry with white colour bodies..I guess bellies (probably from eating microworms). I also notice some fry with red/brownish colour as well. Maybe from eating those tiny little bugs?

Anyways, yeeviabetta (thanks, by the way) has mentioned not to try to feed Golden Pearls to them until they are at least a month old.

I'll order them and they should arrive in time. I can't find any place where I live that has Golden Pearls. I only see them on eBay or Aquabid, and some US sites.

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